Chapter 1

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A lone woman walked down one of the richest neighborhoods in London with a wicker basket. She soon came across the house at the end of the block. Crumbled letter in hand, she played the basket and letter down on the front porch. Ringing the doorbell she left in a hurry. Fresh tears showed in her eyes because she just gave up her baby.


Oliver Kirkland sat in his chair reading the paper and having a cup of tea. His husband was taking their two sons on their first killing spree. All people of... his kind did this at the age of five. Oliver was sad he couldn't go but someone had to make shure the hostages didn't escape.

Just then someone rung the doorbell. Oliver got up and went to go see what it was. Opening the door he saw a basket and a letter on top of it. The basket then stared to cry. Oliver was in shock for a second but he soon opens the lid to an infant.

"Aren't you just the cutest thing. Now what are you doing there?"

Oliver then read the letter:

Dear whoever finds this,

I am sorry for the inconvenience. I cannot raise my child because I don't have any money and I'm about to die soon. But please take care of my child. She needs someone to look after her and I'm not the one.

A heartbroken mother

"Well I guess you'll be staying with us. I'll name you (y/n). Now how do you like that?"

The little girl giggled and gave a toothless smile.

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