Drunk Luke

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"Hey Luke , can you take Natalie and I to the mall?" I asked my brother as I walked into his room. "Sure. When is she coming? In half an hour or an hour?" He asked. "Luke, she's coming in ten minutes. " I replied. "WTF?! I need time work on my hair and pick an outfit!" Luke shouted and I rolled my eyes. "Gosh , Luke. Just throw on some skinny jeans, a shirt, and a hat. Grab a breath mint before you leave the house. Oh my god . You're such a drama queen , Luke." I told him as rolled my eyes a second time. "Correction! I am a drama KING , not a drama QUEEN. Now go let me get ready , Sis. " Luke answered. "Okay. Fine." I said , leaving the room and walking down the stairs to wait for Nat.

*******15 Minutes Later*******

Nat had already arrived here 15 minutes ago and we were still waiting for Luke. "Oh my god, Luke! Hurry up and get your lazy fricking butt down here already!" I yelled, standing at the end of the stairs and as if on que, he started coming down. "Gosh , Bri. Calm down. Can't you guys wait just a little bit?" He asked. Seriously, what kind of stupid question is that? "Nope," I replied, popping the 'p'. "We just want to go shop and look for cute guys already!" "Well , my little sister is far too young to find a boyfriend!" Luke shouted. " Come on ,Luke. Can't I live a little? I'm still young and life is far too short....." I pleaded.

"Yeah, Luke. Let the kid live a little." Ashton joined in as he came into the living room. "Okay, fine. But if any boy hurts you or breaks your heart , I'll break him! Now let's go." Luke agreed and we left the house.

*******At The Mall*******
After going to Urban Planet, Ardennes, and Hot Topic we each bought a drink from Starbucks and sat down in the food court. "Brianna, that guy over there is totally checking you out!" Natalie exclaimed. I looked up to see a really cute boy around our age with brown hair, hazel eyes, and a few freckles looking over at me. I just shrugged and continued drinking my drink. "He's probably not looking a me , Nat. I bet he's looking at you." I replied. "Oh whatever. It doesn't matter who he's looking at , but he's pretty hot. " I told her . " If you say so." She answered as she playfully rolled her eyes. " Oh my god , Nat. I think he lives near me. I'm pretty sure I've seen him riding his skateboard down my street before!" I said and she almost dropped her cup when she noticed he had started walking towards our table.

When he arrived at our table, he opened his mouth but he just stared at me. "Uh, hi."I said and I smiled at him. "What? Oh! Sorry. I was just....uh... I was just thinking about something. And hey." He replied and stared down at the floor for a few seconds. "Wait, I think I've seen you before. Don't you live a few houses down from me?" I asked him. "Yeah, actually I do! I was coming to ask you the same thing! My name's Brandon. Do you want to uh....hang out sometime maybe?" Brandon said a bit nervously. "Sure! I'd love to! My name's Brianna, but you can call me Bri if you want by the way." I answered and smiled. "YES!!! Um, I mean that's great!"He said, staring back at the floor. His face looked like a tomato, but it was so cute. I just laughed at him. "Well, we need to get going now, but I'll be looking forward to us hanging out soon! Bye."I told him. "See you around, Bri." He winked at me and I gave him my number. "I need to get going now! My dad's going to pick me up any minute now. I'll text you later, Bri!" Natalie said. I hugged her and she walked off.

I texted Luke to pick me up and shortly after, he pulled up to where I was waiting outside the mall. He opened the door and I climbed in beside my brother. I couldn't stop thinking about Brandon and I was just smiling like an idiot. "So did you have fun?" Luke asked me. I just nodded my head, barely paying attention. "What did you buy?" He asked a few minutes later . I just kept smiling and nodding to all of his questions while I was off in my own little daydream about Brandon the rest of the way.


When I picked up my sister from the mall, she just kept smiling and nodding to everything I'm saying to her. I'm not sure if she's doing it on purpose or not, but it's seriously starting to freak me out now. I need to tell the boys about it and hopefully they'll be able to help. We got home and she is still smiling like that. "Ashton! Michael! Calum! Come in the kitchen right away please! It's urgent!" I shouted after coming inside the house and entering the kitchen. Suddenly I heard them running downstairs and they were all in the kitchen right away. "Are you alright? Did you get hurt? Did someone wreck your car?" They all asked me. " No , I'm fine guys. It's what's wrong with Bri that's the problem..." I answered. "What's wrong with her, Luke?" Ashton asked. "Where is she?" Michael questioned. Calum just looked worried. "Take a look." I told them. They all peeked out to see her sitting on the couch, smiling like crazy with a dazed look on her face and they looked at me again. "Did something happen at the mall?" Ashton asked me. " I don't know. She was like that the whole car ride home." I replied and shrugged my shoulders. "She's in love! That explains it!" Michael cried and marched into the living room with Calum behind him. I swear I could almost see a lightbulb light up above his head. "Noooo! She can't be in love!!" I said like the world was ending. "Sorry, mate , but it was bound to happen at some point." Ashton told me while putting his hand on my shoulder and walking out. I just sighed and followed him out.

Luke Hemmings Is My Older Brother ?!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt