Learning The Real Truth

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Luke's POV

I was being chased by a mob of fans , so I hid in an alley to get away from them . When they were gone, I started walking but I almost tripped over something . I sat down on the ground and realized that it was a young girl and she was bleeding in some places . She also had a lot of bruises on her legs and it looked like they were new , too . I noticed that she was also asleep until I picked her up and held her in my arms . I was pulled from my thoughts when I felt her breathing get fast and saw fear in her blue eyes that actually looked a lot like mine . " Shh , shh . It's okay . You are alright," I said trying comfort her but she only calmed down a little bit . " I found you and I wa- " She cut off my sentence and said "please don't hurt me..." I was shocked that she would think I would hurt her. "Don't worry. I promise I won't hurt you. I was going to call 911." I assured her. "I'm soooooooooo dizzy..." she managed to say before she passed out.

I quickly called 911 as fast I could and before I knew it I was in an ambulance with her . When the paramedics rolled up one of her sleeves , I noticed a birthmark on her shoulder. It seemed familiar but I didn't know where it was from. I just decided to call Ashton because he was like an older brother to me and I really wanted him to be with me at the hospital .

Ashton's POV

I was getting really worried about Luke. He was supposed to be home an hour ago and Michael and Calum weren't that worried though. They said he probably just got stuck in a mob of fans. But Luke is like a younger brother to me so , I can't help but be worried. "Hey , Ashton! You left your phone down stairs and Luke is calling you!" Michael called to me . I immediately ran down stairs and answered. " Hey , Luke. Are you okay? Where are you? Why are you not here? " I asked him . " Well , I was running from some fans and hid in an alley. When I started walking, I almost tripped over a young girl that was sleeping on the ground and she was bleeding a lot. I told her that I was going to take to hospital and then she blacked out . Can you meet me there?" He exclaimed " Sure ! Of course I will. You know I love you like my younger brother, Luke." I replied and stuck my phone in my pocket , grabbed my keys , then rushed to get my jacket and my coat . Michael and Calum wanted to know where I was going so , I told them I was going out for a while.

**** At The Hospital ****

Luke's POV

I was in the waiting room hoping that Ashton would get here soon. In the ambulance, the girl woke up and as I was comforting her , she said her name was Brianna. When I was four I had a baby sister and her name was Brianna, but my mom couldn't take care of her so she was put up for adoption. I think that girl is my sister! I just realized that the birthmark she has is the exact same one my little sister had! She also has the same eye color and hair color as me .

"Uhh , Luke? ? Are you in there? Luke?? EARTH TO LUKE!!!" A voice shouted. I looked up to see everyone staring and noticed Ashton was in front of me. " Huh? Oh sorry, Ash. I was just thinking" I told him. " What were you thinking about? Tell me please? ?" He asked me. "OK , but you probably won't believe me . I think that girl I found is my little sister!" I blurted out. "Luke, I don't understand. Please explain." He said sounding very confused. " Well that girl's name is Brianna like my sister, She has the same eye color and hair color as me. Also she has a birthmark that I remember as the exact same one my little sister has." I explained to him . He just stared wide eyed with his mouth open for a couple seconds until he called my mom and explained everything . She was here within fifteen minutes . "Hi mum ! Did you bring Brianna's birth certificate and a picture of her birthmark? " I asked . "Yes , Luke. I made sure of it ! Oh and thanks for calling me , Ashton." She replied happily.

Ashton's POV

Soon after Liz(Luke's mom) came, we were told we could see Brianna. I waited in the hall because Luke and Liz were going in first because they needed to talk to the doctor alone to prove that Brianna is Luke's sister. The doctor said that he would need to get Brianna and Luke's fingerprints to make sure though.

We were all sitting with Brianna as Luke and Brianna put their thumbs in the ink , then on the paper . The doctor came in , looked at the paper and smiled widely. " Brianna this is your real family." He said.

Liz's POV

I'm so happy to finally see my daughter again! The doctor said that we can take her home tomorrow morning. I have decided that after we leave the hospital , I will take her to the mall and buy her everything she needs because she has nothing.

Brianna's POV

I can't believe I have a real family now . I haven't known my brother for that long but I already love him . I just randomly leaned forward and hugged him . When I hugged him , he was surprised at first but he hugged me back. I liked his hugs . His hugs are nice and comforting. I haven't been hugged like that since forever. When the hug was over my brother looked at my mom and when she nodded at him , he looked at me and said " Our mom doesn't actually live near us . She lives on the other side of Sydney. She is only here because she just happened to be visiting right now. So you are going to live with the guys and I . Is that OK? " He informed me. "The guys?" I asked. " Oh , sorry. I'm in a band and we are pretty famous. We go on tours and stuff . If you
live with us you will get to come with us to all those places. And you will meet the guys tomorrow. You have already met Ashton." Luke explains to me . I look up my mom first. "It's okay , Brianna. I trust his friends completely and I visit once a month, every month." My says. "I promise we don't smoke or drink and we never will." Ashton assured me. "Okay. I will live with you."I said and Luke sighed a sigh of relief.

Luke's POV

I am so glad Brianna is going to live with me and I was so happy when she hugged me. At our house we happen to have an extra room upstairs so the guys and I are going to get a bed and some furniture for it while she is shopping with mum tomorrow , it can be Brianna's room . We have to paint the room , too. " Brianna? What's your favorite color?" I asked her and she instintly turned her attention to me . "Baby blue ." She replied and I smiled widely. "What? Why are you smiling so stupidly?" Brianna asked me as she was laughing . "That's my favorite color , too. I love you so much, Brianna" I said I pulled her into a long hug and then Ash , my mom and I left.

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