Learning To Play

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Calum's POV

We had all just finished eating the KFC that Luke brought home after buying Bri a guitar and going to the music store with her. "Bri , we wanted to give you this . It's our newest album , but it hasn't been released in the stores yet." I told her as I handed her our 'Sounds Good, Feels Good' CD. "Awesome! Thanks guys. I will go listen to your albums on my computer now! And I will tell you when I'm ready to learn how to play guitar , Luke. Bye!" Bri answered as she started walking up to her room .

We were just about to go play video games when we heard a voice singing. It was a girl's voice , but it also sounded a lot like Luke in some parts. " For a while we pretended that we never had to end it , but we knew we'd have to say goodbye. You were crying at the airport when they finally closed the plane door. I could barely hold it all inside...." The voice sang . We decided to follow the voice and we soon came to Brianna's room . The door was open just a little bit , but big enough for all of us to peak inside and watch her sing the lyrics to 'Wherever You Are' from one of our albums. She was sitting on the edge of her bed and she never noticed us. Bri looked just so into her music. She looked exactly like Luke looks like when he sings. It was like nothing else mattered to her , like she had just disappeared into a whole other universe as she was singing . When the song was over , she looked up and saw us all standing at her door awkwardly with our eyes wide and our mouths open . " How long have you all been standing there? And close your mouths. Your going to catch flies." She said and we laughed, but immediately closed our mouths. "The whole time basically. " Ashton said .

Brianna's POV

When I got into my bedroom I turned on my laptop and stuck one of their CD'S in it and I chose I random song to play. The song that started playing was called 'Wherever You Are' and the beginning of it sounded great . Soon I started to hear my brother's voice and I decided to sing along to the song . I love to sing, but I've never sung in front of anyone. When I sing , it feels like I have disappeared into a whole other universe , like I am completely oblivious to what's going on around me . It's like all that's left in the world is just my voice and I .

I hadn't gotten that far into the song when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, but I just ignored it and kept singing. Eventually the song had stopped so , I paused it and looked up too see my brother, Michael, Calum, and Ashton standing by the door awkwardly with their eyes wide and their mouths open.

Oh shit . They probably heard me singing and think that I suck. "How long have you all been standing there? And close your mouths. Your going to catch flies." I questioned calmly although I think my cheeks were turning a bright shade of red. "The whole time basically. " Ashton said. "Uhh..."I replied because I didn't know what else to say at first . They probably think I'm horrible at singing and sound nothing like my brother. "You know you guys can tell me that I'm not good at singing. I already know that , though." I assured them all , but they just looked at me with confused and sad faces.

Ashton's POV

Why did Bri just say that about herself? She is great at singing and her voice is beautiful when she sings. It sounds so similar to Luke's, but yet so different. But it's a really good different, though. "What do you mean, Bri?" I asked her . "I'm horrible at singing and you don't need to act like I'm really good because I'm not, okay? I'm not good at anything , I'm not funny, I can't make friends, people say they love me when they first meet me , but the rest of their love is just pity. I - I - I'm no-" She was cut off by Luke. "Um guys , can I please talk to her alone?" He asks so, we nod and leave them alone .

Luke's POV

After Michael, Calum , and Ashton left , I shut the door and sat next to my little sister on her bed. "Bri? Why would you ever think that we don't love you? That we only say we love you because we feel sorry that you didn't have a good life? We do feel sorry for you , but when we tell you that we love you we really mean it . The other boys love you like you're their sister too , but it really hurt me when you said we don't really love you because I will love you forever . Okay?" I told her and she nodded.

"Before I was going to say that I'm not beautiful, and I got bullied because I was different. Because I was an outcast , Luke. They would call me horrible names , they would hurt me everyday , and they would threaten to hurt me even worse the next day if I told anyone what they did. I guess I just have to understand that everything they told me is true , Luke. I'm not beautiful because I'm ugly. I'm not smart because I'm stupid. I'm no-" I cut off what she said because I couldn't take it . Some people are just such bullies and don't know when to stop . "Brianna, stop,"I said sternly and she just stared at the ground, refusing to look at me. "Please look at me. Don't listen to what people say . Those people just didn't fully understand what you went through . Listen to me . You are beautiful on the inside and outside . I love your personality and you are an amazing person . Those certain people that didn't want to be your friend are idiots. You sound amazing when you sing , so don't say you don't. Just believe in yourself , Bri ." I explained to my little sister , hoping that she would listen to me .

After I finished speaking, I saw her
touch the pick around her neck and smile. " Thanks, Luke. I'm sorry for believing all those things . Can you teach me how to play the guitar now?" She asked as she picked up her electric guitar. "Sure! Let's go!" I replied as I grabbed her hand and started pulling her downstairs. We noticed everyone else sitting on the couch talking , so she stopped then asked me to hold her guitar. I watched her hug each of them and tell them she loves them .

***Later In The practice room***

Brianna's POV

Luke had taught me the basics and lots of really cool tricks, too and I was surprised that I was almost as great as him . I am also a very fast learner . I started learning how to play lots of their songs. I had been practicing for an hour and a half by myself . Luke was surprised that I could already play 5 of their songs , so we both decided that I should play some songs with them and take Luke's place.

When they all came in , I started getting my guitar ready to play and I explained to them how I was going to take Luke's place while we played a few songs . They all agreed and decided to record the songs while we sang .The first song we sang was 'Beside You' , the second song was , Jet Black Heart' , and the last song was 'Wherever You Are'. When we were finished they looked extremely suprised. "What?" I asked them.

Michael's POV

Wow. I honestly don't know how the rest of us could sing because Brianna really took our breath away when she played. She was extremely good and I still couldn't believe she learned all that in just three or so hours. "What?" She asked us, probably wondering why we were all staring at her right now. "Oh , your just really good . We should kick Luke out and replace him with you." I told her , only to receive  a light punch in my arm from Luke. " Yeah. I still can't believe you learned all that in three or so hours!" Ashton said and everyone agreed.

That was when I noticed that I was really hungry and everyone else probably was , too. I wonder if we still have pizza left..... "I want pizza!" I shouted randomly and everybody just laughed at me. How rude. "I'm serious , guys." I told them. " I'm actually hungry , too and I think we still have lots of pizza in the fridge from last night we could heat up." Calum said. " OK . Let's go get our pizza and then we can play video games while we eat!" I exclaimed and we started walking to the kitchen to get our pizza.

After we had gotten our pizza earlier we had been playing video games for a long time. It was 11:45 right now and Bri had she was really tired, so the rest of us decided we should go to bed also. Before we had gone to bed, Bri said goodnight to all of us and then we all went to our rooms. Today was a great day.....

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