"Yes sir." With that Mr. Danforth talked about how more and more people have started to stay here at the Stanford Hotel, and how the rates have gone up. I listened with one ear staring down at the chart on the paper.

Seeing that everything was going smooth and that the numbers have gone up I was pleased. I was the one to tell my father we needed to build a hotel here when I first started at the company, fresh out of college. I had seen the land space and with the beach being just a little bit away as well as the little town I knew it was perfect. After showing my findings and ideas about it my father he agreed. This was my first ever hotel idea and seeing that it is doing well was good. This was also the start of my father realizing I was serious about our company.

"But Mr. Stanford a few of the bungalows by the beach were ruined by the storm a few months ago. We have tried to restore and clean them but the damage is severe. We may have to tear them down and rebuild." Mr. Danforth said.

"That is fine they are a little worn out anyways. I will make sure you have money to tear them down and rebuild them, while you are at it add a few more. It will build profit." I said folding my hands on the table. "You have been doing well managing this place I will admit but your tone could use some work. Remember who you are talking to." Glancing at my watch I saw it 15 pass 7 o'clock exactly. Shit.

"Well if there is nothing else to discuss I have to be going." I stood buttoning up my suit jacket. "I will be calling you Mr. Danforth next week with the numbers so you can get started on the rebuilding. Keep up with the good work." With a nod at all of them I turned and left the conference room.

As soon as the door shut behind me I sighed happy to be done. Now I could enjoy the rest of the weekend with my Jenna, I could already picture what she was wearing and couldn't wait to see her. Heading to the elevator I cursed knowing I was late. Jenna was probably down at the restaurant waiting for me. The elevator opened quickly so I got in and pressed the main floor level. Just as it was shutting a hand snuck in-between the doors at the last moment. Clenching my jaw I turned to glare at whoever came in at the last moment but froze. Standing in front of me was none other then Carmen Samson. Otherwise known as my ex. A grin spread across her face as she came into the elevator.

She looked almost the same as she did when I last saw her a year ago. Her deep brown hair was now cut short into a bob style instead of the long length it use to be. She was wearing a tight dress that showed off her curves like she usually wears, along with a pair of tall high heels making her my height. Staring back at me were bright green eyes but they were nothing like Jenna's. Where as hers was innocent and kind, Carmen's were bright with mischief and conniving thoughts.

Carmen turned her body towards me a smirk on her face as she suddenly pressed a button to make the elevator stop completely.

"Carmen what the hell." I said as the elevator jerked to a stop. "What are you doing here?" I bit out at her.

"You aren't happy to see me?" She asked. The last time I saw her I told her I never wanted to see her again and here she is.

"No I am not. I told you a year ago that I did not want to see you again." I glared at her. What I ever saw in her I don't know. She's nothing but trouble and does things only for herself.

"But baby." She said coming closer and pressing against my side. I had actually thought she was the one ironically. We had been together for almost a full year and in that time I had fallen for her. I had fallen for her good looks, her personality which was completely fake. I even thought she loved me back but when I found out she was cheating on me with 3 other guys and had tried to get with Blake I dumped her. Actually dumped her is a nice way to put it, I made sure to humiliate her in front of everyone I knew and it was the best thing I could have done.

A Year Agreement  (PUBLISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now