Start from the beginning

Aella's eyes widened when she realized to what the tracks belonged "No we're not" she said to her father who looked at her in panic.

The first chopper, flew right overhead. Paul and Amanda were confused, until the second helicopter started to land, the first one was there covering them.

The Grants started to yell at the first chopper, trying to wave it away. But the noise of the blades was deafening.

"NO. STAY BACK" Alan shouted.

"THEY'RE IN THE TREES" Aella yelled, waving at them.

At the tree line, the upper branches were shaking. At first, it looked like it was just the wind off the chopper, but something more was happening. A pteranodon flew up out of the trees, the first of twenty. It was a gorgeous and terrifying sight.

Terrified, the Costa Rican chopper pilot veered away, but the pteranodons were already on him. They smashed at the windows, grabbing on the skids, the chopper rolled wildly. One over-eager pteranodon stuck his head up to high, getting decapitated by the blade. As the second chopper touched down on the beach, Eric, Amanda and Paul loaded in. The Grants were running their way.

Meanwhile, the first copper was losing the battle even as it climbed higher. The helicopter suddenly tipped, falling, smashing into the trees with a massive fireball.

Seeing the explosion, the second chopper pilot took off. Eric, Amanda and Paul were on board, but Aella and Alan were still running up. The helicopter passed right over them.

Amanda looked at the pilot "You have to go back" she shouted at him "We can't leave them."

Seeing a ladder release by the door, Paul threw the lever. A cord- and-steel-ladder unfurled, dragging across the sand.

The Grants chased after the helicopter, catching a rung just as it went over the water. Behind them, pteranodons were circling the wreckage of the first chopper and starting to go after the second. Buffeted by the wind, Aella was the first one to climb the ladder up with her father behind; they were trying their hardest to climb fast. A pteranodon flew up right behind them, trying to bite. It catch Aella's leg trying to pull her, she screamed at the pain of the bite, Alan thinking quickly he managed to pull out the claw of the raptor he had, he stabbed the dinosaur right in the eye, letting go of his daughter.

The pteranodon cried but went to try and bite them again, but found its head caught between Aella and Alan, she climbed more so her father could pass the creature while it was still trapped.

Up with the pilot, Amanda saw the other pteranodons were heading back to the island, unable to keep up.

"They're not following" she said relieved.

In the back, Paul and Eric got the ladder mechanism to begin to retract. It reeled the Grants in faster. It also reeled in the pteranodon, which may be caught, but was still plenty dangerous. As the Grants reached the cabin, they shut off the ladder engine.

The pteranodon was still working its way free, pulling itself closer and closer.

"We have to cut it" Alan shouted over the noise "Find something sharp."

Everyone started to check the cabin for a knife, anything sharp. Finally Aella remembered she had a small cutter with her, she stumbled a little thanks to bite the pteranodon had done to her leg, but started to cut the ladder, the fibers started to break and fray, but the pteranodon kept coming closer.

Alan threw a wrench at the pteranodon, whacking it straight in the head. It felt good, and damn if it didn't slow it down a little. Aella had cut through the cord; she started on the second when the pteranodon snapped at her, going to her hand. There was nowhere for her to cut without the creature getting her.

Thinking quickly, Aella very deliberately placed her hand on the line, pulling away at the last moment. The pteranodon itself bit through the line. The pteranodon fell away from the helicopter, catching wind just before it hit the water; it circled and flew back to Isla Sorna.

Moments later, sitting between his parents, Eric looked back at the island in the distance "What do you think is going to happen with the dinosaurs?" he asked suddenly at the father and daughter.

"The population will Stabilize eventually" Aella responded "They'll adapt to fit different roles."

"Just like last time" Alan muttered.

"Either that, or the government will firebomb it back to the Stone Age" Paul added shrugging.

"I would completely support that" Amanda added.

Looking back at the island, Eric spoke "I hope they don't. I want to come back someday."

And both Grants looked at each other grinning "So do we" Alan said.

The helicopter flew away across the ocean, leaving the island behind. Aella sighed tired, and rested her head on top of her father's shoulder. She knew deep down, she was going to come back; it was just matter of time. 


So this is the last chapter or the third movie, next week it will start the next one, with OWEN FINALLY!
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Love you all xxx

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