Cut Cables

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'hey beautiful'

'hmm, what?' Savannah mumbles sleepily

Riker chuckles softly and tucks some of her hair behind her ear 'I said hey beautiful'

She looks up, squinting in the sunlight 'You mean me?' Vanni scans the room for another person

'Yeah I mean you. Who else would I be talking about babe?' Riker asks

Vanni shrugs 'someone you remember..'

Riker lifts her chin 'Hey hey, none of that today. I've got a surprise for you' He grins wildly

Savannah raises an eyebrow 'What is it?'

'Can't tell you' Riker says

'Why not?' she asks

'Its a surprise, as in its a secret' Riker puts his finger to his lips, "shhing" himself

Vanni pouts 'Aw cmon Rikey' she pokes his side playfully

He bats her hand away laughing 'No. You'll have to wait til tonight'

She sits back 'What are we gonna do until tonight then?' Vanni questions

Riker turns and grabs a pair of crutches that were leaning against his bed 'Well.. I was thinking we could go explore'

Her eyes widen 'You can get out of bed finally!?' she says excitedly

Riker nods 'Yup, the doctor came in here while you were sleeping. Cleared me to leave this room during the day'

Vanni hops out of the chair 'Well let's go! Cmon, hurry up Riker!'

'Woah, slow down girl! You're dealing with a crippled here!' He carefully hangs his legs off the bed


'Riker, were lost aren't we?' Savannah says

Riker reads a sign on the wall 'What? No way, were just..... Yeah... Were lost'

She giggles 'Nice going hot shot! Got us lost in a hospital with direction signs all over the place'

Riker rolls his eyes and steps forward with his crutches 'Funny, let's go'

'Maybe I should lead so we don't get even more lost' Vanni suggests, walking fast to get in front of Riker

They turn a corner, but freeze when they hear yelling. Really angry yelling coming from further down the hall


Vanni grips Rikers hand; he looks down at her 'Its okay'

He moves forward 'Riker no' Vanni whispers

'Its alright babe. I'm just going to see what's happening' Riker says

'GIVE ME THE DAMN MONEY WOMAN!' the voice screams

Savannah stops in her tracks 'baby..'

Riker squeezes her hand, continuing towards the shouting. A door is ajar, shadows dance across the wall from inside the room

Suddenly a loud bang echoes through the empty hall. Vanni jumps and yelps; Riker quickly clamps his hand over her mouth

'Who's there!'

Riker looks down into his girlfriends terrified eyes 'shh.. walk slowly and quietly'

Together they tip toe backwards, his crutches clicking rather loudly. A shiny object pokes out of the room they're backing away from

Savannah whispers 'Riker, that's a gun'

'I know. Stay calm and quiet' he nods

A dark figure exits the room, their arm leading down to the gun 'HEY! GET BACK HERE!'

Riker spins unsteadily 'Run Vanni!'

Vanni quickly loops her arm around Rikers waist, pulling him with her. They go back around the corner and tumble

Riker reaches for his crutch 'Forget it Riker, cmon!' Savannah yells, grabbing his other hand and dragging him to his feet

'There!' he yells, pointing to the elevator

Riker presses the down button 'Are you kidding me! Riker were being shot at and you're going to wait for the elevator!?'

A bullet tings off the silver doors 'No!' Riker screams

Vanni panics 'Uh.. there, the supply closet!'

'No, he can shoot through the door!' Riker protests

'Then where!' Savannah pleads

Another bullets punctures a hole in the wall. A low ding can be heard over the shooters shouting

Riker notices the elevator doors separate 'Vanni!'

Savannah pushes Riker into the elevator, pressing the "close" button multiple times


The doors begin to close, but not before the gunman appears in the light. He raises the gun

Sitting on the floor, Riker grabs Vannis hand and pulls her down on top of him

He fires a couple rounds into the closed elevator doors. Vanni hugs Riker tightly, shaking in fright

'Its okay... Were alright Savannah' he soothes, rubbing his hand up and down her back

She nods, wiping tears away 'I hope so. Do you think he'll try to find us Riker?'

Riker opens his mouth to speak, but a loud pop followed by a jolt of sudden movement interrupts him. He looks up

Savannah stands up and extends her arms up towards the ceiling 'Is something up th-'

The elevator drops suddenly, and quickly. The force knocks Vanni to the floor across from Riker. Above in the elevator shaft, there's whistling and clicking

'Riker!' Savannah yells over the whooshing wind 'What's going on!?'

'The cable broke!' he shouts back in response


HIATUS-Hospitalized (Riker Lynch/Rikdel/Rikvannah/Rydellington/Rikoss/Rourtney)Where stories live. Discover now