Catching Up

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A nurse flips a switch and a light brightens above the door. The nurse and a doctor look at Vannis panicked expression and sprint to Rikers room

'What happened? Whatd you do?' the doctor shouts

Savannah grips Rikers hand tightly 'What did I do?! I didnt do anything! How could this be my fault!' she screams at the doctor

The doctor lifts up Rikers hospital gown, checking the bandage 'You were the only person in here, of course it had to be you!'

'This is a hospital! Things happen for reasons no one understands all the time!' Vanni shouts

The doctor ignores her and unrolls part of the medical wrap around Rikers abdomon, revealing yellowish skin around an irritated looking stitched cut

'He ripped his stitches, get him upstairs'

The doctor unlatches the wheels on his bed and pushes Riker out of the room. Vanni stands in the empty spot, tears flowing down her rosey cheeks

Just as the door swings shut, it flies open. Theres Rydel, no crutches, leaning on the doorframe 'Whats going on!? Vanni?'

'I didnt do it.. Its not my fault' she mumbles, her knees buckling

Rydel drops to her knees, gingerly, and crawls on her hands and knees over to her heartbroken friend 'Shh, its not your fault Van.. Shh, shh' she tightly hugs Savannah

'Rydel Mary! Dont you dare walk with out your crutch-' Stormie starts 'Savannah? Honey whats wrong?' she rushes to the two girls

'Riker.. stitches.. throwing up' Vanni manages to get out between loud sobs. She burries her head deeper into Rydels arms

Stormie wraps her arms around Rydel and Vanni in a loving hug


'Rikey.. Rikeyyyy..' Rydel hums, poking Rikers cheek

He wiggles his nose 'hmm..'

Rydel smiles 'Wake up sleepy head..' she slaps him

Rikers eyes shoot open 'Ow! What was that for?' he asks, rubbing his red cheek

'Got you awake didnt I?' Delly laughs

'yeah yeah yeah.. What happened anyways?' Riker asks, pushing Rydel away

Rydel perches on her bed, swinging her legs 'You ripped your stitches. They took you up to re-stitch your cut'

Riker nods and looks around the pristine room 'Wheres Vanni?'

'Oh, the doctor blamed her for you stitches so she was all upset, so ma took her out to get lunch. Its just us' Rydel grins cheesily

Riker rolls his eyes 'Oh great! Instead of dying in a car accident, my sister is gonna murder me cause were stuck in a room together'

Riker and Rydel burst out laughing. Rydel lays back, clapping like a doofus with no sound coming out of her mouth because shes laughing so much

'Ah, ooh, chill Del' Riker breathes, patting his stomach

Delly calms down 'Right, wouldnt want to pop em again!' she sighs

'Del, whats wrong?' Rike asks, eyeing his sister

'I missed this.. I missed just you and me.. ya know, big bro and little sis time.. When you were in that coma, and they had to shock you, I thought I was gonna loose you Rikey' tears threaten to surface

Riker holds out his good arm 'Oh Delly Belly, come ere, Im not going anywhere..'

Rydel climbs into his bed and he wraps his arm around her. She settles her head on his shoulder and closes her eyes

'Riker..' Rydel says after awhile

'Yeah sis?' he mumbles, half asleep

She plays with the wrap around Rikers shoulder 'What was it like? Dying..'

'It was freaky. I could hear everything going on around me but I couldnt move or speak. And the worst part was all the memories flashing before my eyes. Like dancing with Allison, Ross winning awards, concerts over in Europe.. all those goods times..' Riker runs his finger through his hair 'I didnt like it Rydel.. Id rather be here with you and everyone'

Del looks up 'Id like it if you stayed too Rike'

Riker leans over and kisses her forehead 'Wheres your phone?'

'On the stand right there, why?' Delly questions

'Get it for me' Riker says, sitting up so she can move past him better

Rydel rolls her eyes, but carefully manuevers over her brother, stretching her fingers out and grabs her phone 'Here.. Now what are you doing?' she hands him her phone

He pats the bed next to him 'Lay down and youll see' Riker types in her password, getting it correct on the first try- Rikey

Rydel snuggles up against Riker again 'Hey how did you know my password?'

He laughs 'You love me more than Ellington..' He grins down at her

'Only because I thought you were gonna die.. Ill change it now that you know it' Rydel says, gently patting his leg

Rydel watches as he opens Instagram 'Ah come on Delly!' he says, pouting

'Just do whatever youre gonna do, and give me my phone back!' she chuckles

Riker holds her phone up likes hes going to take a selfie 'Get in here Rydel'

She leans closer and Riker takes the picture. As the caption, he types "hospital selfie with Rikey" He posts the picture and hands Rydel her phone back

'Riker, you do realize that we never told the fans what happned? Theyre gonna see the hospital gowns and the word hospital and freak out! My phones gonna blow up with notifcations then crash!' Rydel says, already getting notifications popping up on her screen

Riker shrugs 'Hey, theyre family! They gotta be in the loop too!'

As the notifications roll in by the thousands, Riker and Rydel read them, not all of them because new ones appear before they can read all the old ones

rikerspirate- hospital!? what? what happened? are you okay!? ily

offiiicialr5- oh my stars! ily you both so much

officialaustinlynch- i love you austin moon!

rydelisbae- what happened? ily you sooooo much

rockyrocksmyworld- oh my gosh! get better soon! the #R5Family loves you is rocky, ross, ryland, and ellington okay?

They laugh at some of the usernames and the comments; or example: officialaustinlynch and her comment of "i love you austin moon"

'They do know that Ross is his real name right?' Rydel laughs

'I-I dont know- Riker chuckles


Stormie quietly walks into her two oldests room. She smiles when her eyes adjust to the dark and she sees them sleeping together in Rikers bed. Rydels phone is flashing like crazy in her limp hand

Momma Lynch laughs softly, pulls out her phone and snaps a picture. Vanni taps on Stormies shoulder

'Are they awake?' she asks, whispering

Stormie shakes her head 'No' she puts her finger to her lips 'Shh, be quiet'

Savannah smiles seeing the two cuddled together. She sits in the chair in between the beds and falls asleep herself


A/N: I love you!!!!!!!!!

HIATUS-Hospitalized (Riker Lynch/Rikdel/Rikvannah/Rydellington/Rikoss/Rourtney)Where stories live. Discover now