guns really suck

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  haruhi woke up to the sound of her door being opened, which didn't come as much of a shock to her but in about 5 second a few things happened. someone yanked her out of bed, forced her to kneel on the floor, and put a gun to her head. and that's when she put a few pieces together, she was in deep $#!+. a gruff female voice spoke to her in a slightly lowered voice. "Don't move unless you want your wall painted red." Haruhi couldn't put a competent thought together, she was panicking. the woman behind her spoke again, "get up kid, but pull any funny business and its the last thing you do ." Haruhi didn't respond for a second she felt the woman shove the gun into her head and it was enough to make her snap out of it. there was shouting in the other room.  Haruhi's heart froze


*Kyoyas POV*

  the man crept slowly into the room closer to me, in a split second decision I launched at him and grabbed the hand that held the knife. The man was shorter but he had more body weight the guy tripped me and pinned me down, hands behind my back. "relax kid, i ain't gonna hurt ya if i don't gotta."he shouted, his voice gruff, like he smoked a lot. suddenly the woman ran out of Haruhis room dragging the poor girl behind her, Haruhi stumbling to keep up with the sudden movement. "what happened?" the woman asked, with a gruff voice not unlike the mans. "the brat fought back a bit." he replied, sounding overly smug in doing so. the woman shoved Haruhi at me, the girl lost her balance and landed hard on her hands and knees next to me.the man picked her up roughly and forced her to kneel. she seemed fairly calm but I could see the panic in her eyes. the woman moved behind us with her gun in hand while the man started walking around with a sack picking things from shelves and tossing them into the sack


  That one was a birthday gift, that was a souvenir from Okinawa, that frame was from my deceased grandmother. The man was making his way to my mothers ashes no doubt he'd take the urn. I was done. my mind so clear my heart pounding fast. I could do this, I just needed to be fast. the thieves hadn't bothered to bind us. Bad idea. no one in the  host club besides Honey and Mori-senpi, knew I started taking martial arts classes on weekends, with Honey-senpi tutoring me, I was almost a brown belt. My guess was that theses two overweight, smokers wouldn't be able to keep up with me. Plus the adrenaline boost I had.  

  On three. One. deep breath. Two. Exhale. Three! I jumped up and whirled around smacking the very hard, metal gun out of the woman's hand. Ow. shaking off the pain I kneed her in the gut. She doubled over. I brought my knee up again and hit her in the forehead, harder than I expected. She crumpled. I heard a click behind me and turned, about two feet away, the man had picked up the gun and pointed it at me. Damn,  I cannot catch a break. I put my hands in the air, my clarity leaving me.


  I was NOT expecting that. Haruhi was small,thin, and frankly, short for her age. But damn, did she look hot when she was beating the snot out of a middle aged criminal. A loud metallic click disrupted his thoughts.Turning his head from Haruhi who was slowly raising her arms. The porky man was holding the gun in one hand , the knife in the other. As quickly as his royal fatness would allow, he grabbed me  and put the knife to my neck. Not moving the gun from Haruhi. I saw her eyes widen. The man made some attempt at a threat but Haruhi was focused on me. I saw my chance to be useful. when the big lummox grabbed me, he never pinned my hands or legs. I grabbed his arm and pulled it from my neck with all my strength while simultaneously cocking my leg up and kicking him in the groin. In this moment he started to go down but not before the guy actually pulled the trigger.


  BANG. Everything seemed to ring, I was falling, the world turned blurry, pain exploded in my upper thigh, it was worse than anything i'd ever felt. It was like a hot pair of scissors had stabbed me and were repeatedly snipping inside my leg. My vision turned red at the edges everything I heard was like an echo. There was a scuffling noise and then Kyoya entered my field of vision, he had a cut on his cheek. i couldn't focus well. his voice was all echo like and distorted but i'm pretty sure there was some cussing and something about a bullet. Suddenly he had a cloth in his hand and a phone propped between his shoulder and ear. He put the cloth on my leg with pressure. The pain exploded like a thousand torturous butterflies. and that's went the world went dark.

+++++hey guys, sorry for the hiatus. Here's a longer update than usual for the make up. As always i love love love feedback, it gives me da warm flutteries. dont worry, im pretty sure the next update will be sooner than usual so lots of love and happy holidays!+++++

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