Matt knelt down by Tyler's side and said, "He killed him..."

"He's not dead," Elena said shakily as she began pacing, "Klaus' blood will turn him into a vampire."

"And if Bonnie's successful," Uncle Nik said, chiming in as he hopped back off the bleachers, my mother following shortly after, "he'll live through his transition. Go on then, go fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what not," he told Bonnie. "I'll hold on to Elena, for safekeeping." He grabbed her around the shoulders and pulled her to his side as a demonstration. Instead of pulling away, Elena looked over at Bonnie and gave a small nod of her head.

Bonnie grabbed Matt's hand and began to exit the gym with him but they stopped and turned around when I called out, "Wait just a tick. I think that I'll join you two."

"Excellent idea, darling. This is your area of expertise after all, perhaps you could offer some assistance to speed up the process," Uncle Nik commented.

"Unlikely, but I don't really trust other witches, especially old ones that she's going to need to come into contact with. I think it would just be best if I were there to supervise," I explained. I walked up between Bonnie and Matt, putting an arm around each one's shoulders and saying, "Shall we?" as we walked out of the gym together.

"What are you going to do?" Matt asked Bonnie as we were walking down the hall.

"I have no clue. That spell is over 1000 years old and my grimoires don't go back that far," Bonnie told him. She then turned to look at me, realized she still had my arm around her shoulder and stepped out of it, Matt following suit a second later. "You're an old witch, don't you know anything about it?"

"If I did, do you think we'd be asking you to find out instead of just having this all done with?" I asked her. "Besides, I think you've just hurt my feelings. I'm not sure I'd want to help even if I could."

"What about those dead witches you contacted before?" Matt perked up, "Can you ask them?"

"I don't have contact with them anymore," said Bonnie, "they cut me off when I brought Jeremy back to life."

This new information brought me up short. "Wait, wait, wait... the witches aren't speaking to you?" I asked Bonnie, completely bewildered. "If we would have known that we would have been better off finding another witch. You better get real creative, real fast and find a way to contact those dead control freaks."

We were rushing down the hall but after I finished talking, Bonnie stopped dead in her tracks. "That's it! I can't contact the dead, but Jeremy can."

"Baby brother Gilbert?" I asked rhetorically. "I suppose that makes sense, once you've been touched by death it doesn't let go so easily. Might want to get him on the phone and find out where he is," I suggested.

Bonnie narrowed her eyes at me but quickly took out her phone and dialed a number, Matt mirroring her actions. "Voicemail, you?" Bonnie asked, taking the phone away from her ear and looking at Matt.

"Same here, why don't we split up and look around the school, maybe he's here and we just don't know," Matt offered.

"Good idea, you go that way, I'll go this way," Bonnie said, gesturing down two opposite hallways.

"Alright," Matt agreed before heading down his hallway and Bonnie down hers. I looked between the two once before muttering, "Ignore me, I'll just follow whoever," and turning down the hallway after Bonnie.

It didn't take long to check our half of the school and prove that Jeremy wasn't here, and he still hadn't picked up any of Bonnie's calls or responded to any texts. "Let me guess," I started to say as yet another one of Bonnie's calls went unanswered, "he's one of those people who call you or send a text message and then when you try to get back to them two seconds later they don't answer, isn't he?"

Rebekah's Daughter-Natalia Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें