Planning 2

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Damon walks into Angel's house hold.

Angel's body tenses and shivers rapidly.

Stacy realizes and Says "Angel... Babe whats wrong".

Angel says to Derek telapathically "PLEASE BACK STACY UP AND KEEP HER SAFE".

Derek takes Stacy's shoulder and brings her to the back line of Angel's crew.

Damon says "You've gotten everything Angelus! The girl (looking at Stacy),  Powers beyond imaginable... It's about time I take all that away from you by killing you".

Angel tenses up growling.

Derek moves up next to him.

Damon lunges a Derek.

Angel pushes him out of the way and takes a stake to the hand.

Angel pulls it out and throws it at another vampire turning him to dust.

Stefan eyes turn a green beyond the color of emerald.

he turns full wolf form only larger, more muscular, stronger, and larger claws.

The bad vampires back up suprised behind Angel and Damon who were punching each other each time swaying back and forth for a second.

Stefan ripps off all the evil vampires heads with one swift bite.

Angel is thrown onto a floor chest first which was still weak.

Angel struggles to get back up holding  his chest which was bleeding slightly.

Damon takes out a stake.

Angel slowly gets up.

Ariana lunges onto Damon as he goes to stake Angel.

Stefan uses a claw to move Angel to the back with Stacy.

Derek and Ariana scare of Damon who says "This isn't over nor shall it ever be over".

Angel slowly slips off Stefan's back.

Stacy runs to him and helps him stand.

Stacy says "Take off your shirt. I need to see if you re opened your old wound".

Angel slowly moves closer and takes off his shirt which has now bled through.

Stacy examines the wound.

She says "The good news is it only opened a bit. The bad news is your gonna need new stiches".

Angel smirks but now looks alert.

Stefan slowly turns back human.

His eyes shine the emerald green once again before fading.

He says "Angel come over here... I think I may be able to heal your serious wound".

Angel slowly walks to him clearly confused.

Stefan puts a cold hand on Angel's chest and closes his eyes.

"I don't see the point-" says Angel but he stops when the wound closes and the blood disappears.

"How did you do that?" asks Stacy coming foward.

" I don't know but I think I just became an Alpha hybrid" says Stefan taking his hand off Angel's chest.

Angel backs up and nodds to Stefan.

"Let's go back inside" says Stacy.

Angel agrees quickly.

Stacy and Angel walk up to their room.

Angel and Stacy instantly change their clothes and curl into bed together.

Angel remembers how Damon is in love with his soon-to-be wife.

He holds Stacy closer until they both fall asleep.


As usual,



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