Armin Arlert

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Dear (Y/n)
I doubt I'd ever be your first choice for a boyfriend, I don't think I'd be the first choice for anyone really. I'm small, weak, quiet and my jokes aren't nearly as funny as everyone else's, but somehow I know you can look past that. You always do. It's one of the reasons why I love you. One out of many really. It would probably take an entire novel to state at least half of the reasons why I love you. Or it could just be a tiny slip of paper that says 'everything'. (Y/n) if you can see something in me then that's great, and if you chose me to be your quiet but loving boyfriend then I'll be at my house waiting at 5:00.
Because Armin's home was so close you got there with fifteen minutes to spare, knocking on the door and smiling. You heard shuffling from inside, Armin soon opening the door and looking at you shocked. "(Y/n) I-I didn't think you'd come..." He trailed off and smiled slightly, you chuckling. "Of course I came, you're my quiet and loving boyfriend." You said softly as Armin blushed and smiled more. "Can I tell you a secret Armin?" You leaned in slightly, your voice a whisper. "O-of course!" He blushed at how close you were, nodding. You smiled. "I love you too." You said softly, giving him a quick but gentle kiss as he blushed madly, hiding his face in his hands before peeking at you through his fingers. "Really?"

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