Bite Me

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Sasuke could recall two occasions in which he'd told Suigetsu to bite him.

One was simply a retort in response to the mist ninja's jibe about him being 'soft' for his decision to spare an enemy. Clearly, it was just an innocent remark, and Suigetsu would have promptly received an electrified kusanagi to the gut had he made any moves to comply -- jokingly or not.

And as for the other occasion?


It was a cool, overcast day. Sasuke and Suigetsu were returning to their makeshift camp after hunting, each carrying their own catch -- Suigetsu hefted three large fish and Sasuke carted a squirrel and a rabbit. Karin and Jūgo had remained behind to start a fire.

As they meandered back through the woods while Suigetsu bragged about how much bigger and better his catch was, a group of shinobi swathed in black had suddenly dropped from the trees -- surrounding them on all sides -- and had charged without a sound. Sasuke had immediately dropped his quarry and surged forward to meet them and Suigetsu had followed after a moment of mild shock, leaping right into the fray with his sword held high and an enthralled grin stretching his face.


"...Well that wasn't a fair fight," the mist ninja had scoffed mere minutes afterwards. The enemies were slain before they could even so much as lash out. "Guess we were too much for 'em, eh, Sasuke?" Once their bodies littered the forest floor, he lingered amongst the carnage, beholding his handiwork with satisfaction. Kubikiribōchō dripped with blood.

Sasuke, having returned to fetch his abandoned catch, studied his teammate closely but didn't reply. He had always found it interesting to observe the violent male after a battle, keeping his Sharingan activated to pick up the flare of Suigetsu's chakra as it slowly calmed and furled back into the core of his body. This time, however, it remained turbulent, undulating and pulsing throughout his entire being as if he were still in the midst of battle at that very moment. Sasuke may or may not have been at least a little bit concerned.

"Suigetsu." He called to his teammate, noting the way said male's chakra jumped in response. Suigetsu finally raised his head to look at his leader, violet eyes locking onto his. Sasuke quickly deactivated his bloodline limit so he wouldn't end up having to drag another limp body back to camp.

"Yes, Fearless Leader?" Suigetsu drawled mockingly, sending him a smile of similar fashion. His jagged teeth flashed in the forest's dim light. Sasuke frowned at the derogatory (although quite true, a covertly arrogant side of him would like to agree) nickname that he had been dubbed by the mist ninja himself.

"Get your fish and let's go," he ordered impatiently. "Those were assassin shinobi sent to dispatch us, so there will be more soon to follow."

Suigetsu simply grinned wider -- if possible -- and began to saunter toward the testy male, carelessly dragging his sword behind him. Blood smeared along the ground in its path, linking the massacred to the murderer. He found Suigetsu's behavior to be odd, as the mist ninja constantly doted on his massive weapon -- polishing, sharpening, and cleaning it until it gleamed; he would sooner dehydrate himself than mistreat his most treasured possession. Yet Sasuke's demeanor did not waver due to slight concern. His subordinate was disregarding his command and he would see to it that he was obeyed one way or another.

Suigetsu halted when the tips of their sandals brushed together. Both boys were flecked with gore and smudged with grime -- though Suigetsu was much more so, due to his savagery in battle. This close, Sasuke could study the detail in his vibrantly colored irises and count every single eyelash that adorned his lids, as well as notice that his pupils were dilated with excitement. He looked wild and feral. Insane, even. Their height difference was currently a prominent factor too; Suigetsu stood three or so inches taller and it disgruntled Sasuke considerably as he was forced to tip his head back to lock gazes in their current proximity.

Bite MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang