chapter seven

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four days before prom

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀hey, louis :)

it was 12 am and the sound of louis' phone beeping woke him up.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀what do you want? it's 12 am jesus

he put his phone on silent and went back to sleep. but his phone still vibrated and it made his ear want to pop because his phone was right under his ears.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀just wanted to ask, be my prom to date?

louis rolled his eyes.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀be my prom date**

he closed his phone yet again. and two minutes later, the vibration sent a pang to his ears.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀would love to ;)

louis laughed. that was a good one.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀alright, would you just leave me alone? i ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀already said no, what makes you think i'd ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀say yes if you kept nagging me about it?

after five minutes of waiting, there were no vibrations and louis felt relieved. he put his phone back down.

not even five minutes into his sleep, the doorbell rang. it's 12 fucking am, who would stop by this late?

louis groaned, knowing his sister and mom are heavy sleepers, he put on his slippers and walked to the door with a sleepy face.

he opened the door and was very surprised when he saw harry standing there, with a white rose in his hands, in a suit and tie. his hair was like it always is– swept up with gel, making it look greasy.

a fucking suit and tie

"harry, what the fuck?" he threw his head back and groaned. "it's twelve am."

harry shrugged,"i don't sleep until one am. are you gonna let me in?"

"fuck no." louis said as if harry's crazy.

harry shrugged and handed him the flowers.

louis rolled his eyes but took it nonetheless.

"aw, these are so cute!" he faked his happiness. harry's eyes light up, did he really just accept the flowers? louis smelt the roses and faked a smile.

"thank you, harry." after he said that, he started ripping the roses and threw it on the ground and stepped on them a couple of times.

tears swelled in harry's eyes.

"my answer is a no! would you just leave me alone? i don't even like you as a friend, for christs' sake."

a tear fell from harry's eyes. he let out a squeaky, tiny "okay." and walked back to his car, ruffling his hair which made some curls pop out.

isn't his hair straight?

louis slammed the door shut, planning on cleaning the mess tomorrow morning.

"louis?" jay's voice filled the silent room. "who was that?"

louis turned around to face her. "some guy." he waves his hand around like nothing.

jay sat on the couch and patted the seat and louis walked over, sitting on the seat his mom patted at.

"tell me what happened. i haven't been a huge part of you life, i know that. but after your father passed away, i couldn't just sit down and do nothing and go broke. i'm sorry but let me catch up now, yeah?" jay smiled sweetly. louis nodded, sighing.

"his name is harry. he's been asking me to be his date to prom for awhile now and i don't really like him— in that way. actually, i don't like him at all. he's annoying and i'm just even embarrssed to tell my friends about those roses and pizzas he's been getting me for awhile now," jay's eyebrows shot up but louis ignored it and continued,"i really don't know how to get rid off him, mom. i don't have a date to prom, sure, but it's not like i was planning on going to prom in the first place."

"are judging him by his looks?"

"what? no." he replied quickly. he knows his mom will get mad if she knows. she has always taught them to not judge someone by their cover.

jay shook her head. "have you ever spoken to the poor boy?" louis shook his head in shame. "exactly. you're judging him. he's a nerd— but there is nothing wrong with that. mind you, i was a nerd in his school, too. there is nothing wrong with caring about your grades and wanting a good life and education. the boy cares about his grades, and no one should ever judge him because of that. he might be sweet, you don't know that."

"so you're telling me to talk to him?"

"yes." jay nodded her head. "who knows, maybe you'll end up falling in love with him." louis let out a fake gagging noise. jay patted his hand. "just talk to him, okay?"

louis nodded his head. "i'll think about it."

jay smiled. "and up to sleep, you go."

louis went back upstairs after kissing his mom's forehead and wishing her a good night.

for the first time in many years, louis actually thought about talking to harry styles.

he went to sleep with a smile on his face while harry went to sleep with tears drenched in his pillow, wishing he was perfect enough for louis.

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