Chapter 2

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They all grabbed some sandwiches and ate. Zayn even went and got some punch for everyone. After they were finished, they all just sat there.

“Soooooo…” Liam said.

“How about we get back to the party?” Harry suggested. “Dancing is always fun!”

“Sure!” Bre said.

They all walked out of the room and went back to the main area of the party. The group got in a circle and danced. They were laughing, talking, and just having a good time. This was better than the girls had ever dreamt.

The boys couldn’t believe that they had only just met the girls, because it felt like they had known them their entire lives. Of course, there was still stuff they didn’t know about them, but it was the energy they gave off and how comfortable they seemed around them.

The song they were dancing to ended and a slow song came on. Liam walked over to Riss, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “Riss, I was, um, wondering, if maybe you would, well, you know, dance with me?”

She smiled. “Sure.”

Liam smiled. He walked closer to her and put his hands around her waist, and she put her hands over his shoulders.

To the right side of Liam and Riss, was Niall and Bre, who were dancing with each other. To their left was Louis and Kay, and right beside them was Zayn and Perrie.

Liam looked around. He couldn’t see Harry anywhere. He finally glimpsed him sitting by the bar, a drink in his hand. A wave of sadness washed over Liam when he saw him. He guessed that Harry wasn’t having as much fun as the rest of them were. The song ended, and they went back to regular dancing.

Liam decided to go check on Harry. “Hey Harry.”

“Liam! So good to see you lad!” He was drunk already.

Liam was curious about what he had to drink, so he asked the bartender. “Uh, excuse me, but could you tell me what this gentleman had for a drink?”

“He had three Long Island Ice Teas. He must be drunk by now, unless he can really hold his alcohol.”

“Yeah, he’s definitely drunk.”

The bartender laughed. “Doesn’t surprise me. They’re really strong. Maybe you would like one?”

“Oh, no thanks.” Liam turned back to Harry, who could barely stay standing.

“Hey Liam, do you like the party? Cause it’s extremely LOUD!” Harry started laughing uncontrollably.

Liam shook his head laughing. “You really need to get back to the hotel.”

“Hotel? What hotel? We’re not in a hotel.” There was a look of confusion on his face.

“No, right now we’re at a party. You need to go back to the hotel we’re staying at, remember?”

Harry laughed. “Ok Liam. I’ll wait here.”

Liam went back to where the rest of the boys and the girls were standing.

“Hey Liam. What’s up?” Niall asked.

“I think it’s time we head back. Harry’s a little on the, drunk side.” Liam answered.

“A little?” Zayn raised a brow. “You mean a lot.”

“Yeah.” Liam looked around. “Where did Perrie go?”

“She has to fly back home tomorrow, so she left to get ready.”

“Ah. Well, we better get going too.”

“Alright.” Louis said. “But ONLY if the girls can come with us.”

“It’s fine with me.” Liam said. “What do you say girls?”

“Fine with us.” They replied.

“Alright. Let’s go get Harry.” Liam walked back to the bar, everyone following behind. But Harry wasn’t there.

“I thought you said he was here?” Bre looked around.

“He was…” Liam walked over to the bartender. “Excuse me, again, but do you know where my friend went?”

“Yeah. I saw him leave with some girl.”

“Do you know who she is?” Zayn asked.

The bartender shook his head. “No, sorry.”

“Thanks.” Liam began to panic.

Harry was drunk and with some girl nobody knows. ANYTHING could happen now. They ran out of the beach house towards the cars. Maybe he was waiting by their van? They ran over. Still no Harry, but there was a note on the windshield.

Niall picked up the note and read it aloud. “You should never leave your friends alone when they’re drunk, you know. Because sometimes things like this will happen. Don’t worry, he’s safe with me…… For now. If you want your friend to live, you will play the game with me. You have by tomorrow afternoon to let me know if you will participate. What you have to do is go to the payphone outside of the hotel. When you pick it up, I will answer. If you don’t do it, well, I guess you don’t want to play, and your friend is dead. That simple! If you agree to play, I will tell you the rules over the phone. Have a nice evening!”

“Oh my god…” Louis’ eyes were wide with fear.

“We have to do something!” Riss yelled. “Call the police! Call the FBI! Call someone!”

“If we want Harry to live, I think the only person we’ll be calling is the crazy girl who took him…” Zayn said with a low voice.

Panic was clear on everyone’s faces, except Liam’s, which was full of anger. “This is all my fault! I shouldn’t have left him there!”

“It’s not your fault Liam!” Niall told him. “Don’t say that!”

“Yeah!” Riss agreed.

Liam took a deep breath and calmed down. “Ok…”

“Well,” Kay began. “I think we’re going to be playing a game…”

Everyone nodded.

















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