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thirty eight

ARIES: They can never make the right decisions. No matter what they do, they end up regretting it the next morning, or week, or month, or whatever.


PRESENTIMENT OF FORCED exaltation badgered Athena repetitively while her pencil managed to move with ideas floating around her mind.  Athena took twitched views at the clock, her mind urged to taste the slumber she fantasied for five classes straight.

She dropped her pencil, rubbing her hand onto her black jeans once she was done.  She pulled out her phone from the pocket of her black hoodie, Malva hasn't showed up for school which was definitely not like her at all.

"Alright class, partner up and edit your essays."  Eyes droopily searching for a partner, Athena couldn't help but to lazily stand up, Calum sat at the desk next to her which made her sit down.

"You lost your virginity to Luke?" Calum exclaimed, no sensitivity of volume evident as Athena's gloom jumped right out of her body.

"Who the fuck told you that?" Athena hissed, her hand subconsciously gripped onto his wrist, she glanced at the spot of dried blood on his grey sleeve.  "You didn't."

"He was the one who aggravated me first.  Kept saying how he was the one who managed to make you his before I did."  Calum rolled his eyes, his papers of messy handwriting scattered all over the desk he chose to occupy.  "Do you even like him?"

To be completely honest, Athena didn't know who she liked or what she fucking felt at the moment.  It was as if a hurricane were swirling upon her entire body, conflicts of feelings and turns since she didn't exactly know anymore what it meant to even like someone. 

With Luke, she felt comfort and secureness.  He would never hurt her or betray her or do anything that Calum has done to her without even intending to.  Luke strived to make her happy, to fix the stupid tear Calum caused.

With Calum, for fuck's sake where does she even start?  There was something between them, something so compelling and infuriating, yet she was infatuated with what happened between them.  But that was the thing, Calum didn't know how she felt.  He only paid attention to the sex part, then he would go on to other girls for his needs.

"Why do you care so much?"  She's been telling herself for a while now to get over him, but he was always fucking there.  "Don't you have some other girl to bother?"

"Are you jealous that I sleep with other girls?" Calum smirked, humor enlaced in his features as Athena switched their papers for the damn edit.  He slouched on his chair, he put his phone in the back pocket of his black jeans, his grey sweatshirt grazed Athena's arm as her instinct caused her to pull away.

"Calum, do I have to remind you that between the two of us, I'm the one in the relationship, and I'm the one who ended our friends with benefits relationship shit.  You're the one who asked about me losing my virginity to my-"

"-your boyfriend?"  Calum deadpanned, his once humorous expression dialed down to a monotonic one, he looked Athena straight in the eye.  "Stop playing, Athena.  If you guys are together, stop giving me these mixed signals that I can't even comprehend, dammit."

"You, out of all people, are not one to talk.  Calum, we havent talked in days, how the hell am I giving you mixed signals?  I broke it off, remember?  If anyone here is having feelings, it is definitely not me," Athena snapped, she accidentally crumpled a corner of his paper during her rage.  "Why do you even care?"

Aries || Calum HoodDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora