Wishing upon a star.

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When i went to Liam's house everyone looked at me for answers. They shot questions at me, and by they i mean Liam,Dannielle,Eleanor and Paul who had somehow managed to come at 1 o'clock in the morning. The rest of them were on the couch unconscious.

I answered their questions one by one.

"Why the hell were you hitting that man?" Liam asked.

"Zayn are you outta ya mind? Who was that girl with you?" Eleanor questioned.

"Why were you running?" Dannielle asked.

"Zayn..." Paul started but i cut him off.

"Guys relax there's no biggy in it. I just helped a girl fighting her ex-boyfriend.I didn't do anything wrong. She's a really sweet girl." I tried to convince all of them.

"Look Zayn"... Paul began, "You're no longer a teenager, you're a grown up man and it's high time that you start acting like one. The police was running behind you this could affect your career a lot. Helping someone is good but to a limit."

What the fuck? Am I a 10 year old that he's talking to me like that, your no longer a teenager, grow up. Blah blah whatever i did was correct. Helping someone ain't bad. And that too a girl like the lonely girl.

"Okay Paul i get it. Sorry kay? Now stop lecturing me please, i know you guys are concerned but please i'm tired right now" I said.

I scanned everyone's face before saying my goodbye. I turned around immediately and left Liam's house.



"What's wrong with him?" Paul asked concern covering his face.

"I don't know after what happened with Perrie he has been acting a little weird" I said.

"A little?" Danielle said.

"No Liam he has changed A LOT. Like him and Perrie were so damn close and what Perrie did to him was completely shit" Eleanor added. 

"I stil can't believe that their over. Zayn has completely transformed. I'm worried about him Liam. It's been 8 months since the sex tape came out and Perrie cheated on him" Danielle said gloomily.

"Yeah, i think i should better go now, it's getting late" Paul said while looking at the clock.

"Okay" I said. Paul left without wasting a second.

"I'm so worried about Zayn. He has never been this miserable, although he doesn't show it but i know that he feels lonely and scared and betrayed. It's really hard for him to move on he's still stuck in December and he refuses to come outta it" I said. 

"But we've tried everything to help him forget that" Eleanor said.

"I think we should ask him to date someone" Danielle suggested.

"It's not that easy and he won't. It's gonna be really hard for him to trust someone, again" I said trying to make a point.

There was a moment of silence, not an awkward silence. All three of us were thinking how to take out Zayn from this terrible situation.When all of a sudden Harry got up and said...

"Hook him up with that Lonely Girl" and then went back to sleep.

Our heads shot up and each of us had something in our minds regarding Zayn and the girl from the cafe'.

"Oh yeaahhh!" Eleanor exclaimed and got up and kissed Harry's forehead.

"That could happen, he sorta likes her as well.Right?" Danielle said trying to control her excitement.

But i was still reluctant. "Umm i don't know guys. This seems a little weird to me"

"Liam babe how weird? It's not that we're gonna ask Zayn to marry her go in to a serious relationship with her, they could be friends with benefits or something like that." Danielle said.

"And no one would have a problem with that, no one's gonna hurt no body's feelings and everything's gonna be cool. This way he'll be able to take his mind off of the current situation" Eleanor added.

"Exactly, and babe you know what sweet effects sex has on people?" Danielle tried to convince me.

"Especially on Zayn" Eleanor said happily.

"Hahahahhaha essspecially on Zayn" Danielle said enthusiastically and winked at Eleanor.

" I think that might work" I tried to show that i was fully convinced although i was not but these two were hell bent to convince me. So i gave in.

"Yayie we should start working on it" Eleanor said, excitement filling her voice.

"Woah hold your horses girl. It will take time" i said. 

"Course it will" Danielle said while yawning.

"Let's go to sleep" Eleanor said

"Yeah, you guys go i'll stand in the balcony for a while"

I went to the balcony and sat on the swing. Thinking, analysing, processing all the things we discussed inside.  I just wanted Zayn to be happy like really happy. I wanted my old Zayn back. This guy was nothing like Zayn. We try and tease him on that girl so that he could start having some feelings for her. She seems pretty harmless, always lost in her own world. 

When the sex tape came out it did gave Zayn a bit of publicity but with it came a lot of criticism. And then Perrie cheated on him. The guy is devastated.

I looked up into the sky and then i saw a shooting star I closed my eyes and wished that Zayn and that girl from the cafe' have a connection. A bond that would change both of their lives, forever, good or bad, mostly good.

I went back inside and laid next to Danielle who was fast asleep now and kissed her cheek and drifted back to sleep.



What i said and did in Liam's house was just not acceptable. All of them were worried sick about me. And i just snubbed them. Why do i act like an ass sometimes? What the hell is wrong with me? They love me, they care for me and for the past few months I've been acting weirdly with them i try to be myself sometimes but then something just stops me. Stops me from being me with my best pals. 

The time i spent with the Lonely Girl was so refreshing. Every inch of me wanted to know her more. No doubt that i'm undeniably attracted to her but i'm scared. Scared to fall in love again, scared to get cheated on, scared to get my heart broken again. Well, obviously I won't go that far with her.

It's hard to give her Perrie's place cause i'm still not over her. A bit of me still wants her. I can't just let go all the years i spent with her into a trash bin. I still have feelings for her. This is SO annoying. I stopped the car and placed my head on the steering wheel. Thinking about the things that took place tonight.

I grabbed the little bracelet in my pocket and read it again "Life is a suprise" . What suprises does it has for me now?

I kept it back and looked at the sky, resting my chin on the steering wheel. I saw a star falling I closed my eyes and the Lonely Girl's face appeared in front of me and without thinking I wished aloud "Please fate let us meet again and this time for long " I opened my eyes and i couldn't believe what I wished for. Maybe some part of me really wanted to meet her again.

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