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"But the guy i saw kissing another girl was Max George from The Wanted"

"Well he might be but my douche bag's name is Max Albert not George. If i would've been dating George i swear he would never let me cry."

Ouch! Was that my heart? Why was I getting jealous of him? No big deal right? I'm just a regular famous guy who is helping a girl to fight her ex-boyfriend. Nothing more then that,nothing more. I made myself believe that. 

So when we entered the club we were welcomed by the familiar smell we had left a couple of minutes ago. 

''Ughh the smell again" She said with a scrunched up nose. She kinda looked cute with that expression. Wait Zayn don't fall for her, you've already been through a break up, a bad one. Don't even TRY to fall for her. 

"There he is" She said, disturbing me from my chain of thoughts and pointing at a tall, white and not so handsome guy. Snogging with the same girl again.

"Let's go, time to show him who's the boss" She said while taking the lead. I followed her and when she stopped i stood behind her just like a bodyguard.

"Hey Max" She tapped at his shoulder.

"I forgot to give you one thing"

"What" He said rudely.

'This" And she punched him right in the face, kicked him in the balls and slapped him when he bent  down in pain. "I need some help here" She said to me. "Oh yeah sorry"

And i joined her. Together we punched,slapped,kicked him. Basically disabled him for a month. I was feeling so good. It feels so good to hit someone who is a cheater.

"Take that you jerk!" "How does it feel now,huh?" "I'll stop your generation tonight, poop face!" She shouted at him grabbing almost everyone's attention.

"Hey hey hey whats happening here?' Two huge guys said from behind us and the lonely girl and I  looked at each other for a fraction of a second before racing outside the club. They were running after us. This was the best feeling ever. I had never experienced it before, running like a bad person,getting chased by bodyguards, well yeah we were chased by fans millions of times but the excitement i was getting this time has no comparison at all.

"Run dude, run. You're such a slow poke." She said pulling me out of my thoughts. Within no time we had left the two bodyguards behind us. We were running so fast, she was running faster than me, her brown hair swaying behind her making her back even more sexier. 

Suddenly she stopped which made me bump into her and we fell. "Ouch!" She exclaimed.

"Yikes! I'm sorry". I quickly stepped aside.

"Woah this was fun. I feel so good man" She said excitedly.

"Yeah. What's that sound?" 


"That sound listen to it carefully." I said.

"Oh God! Shit it's the siren."

"You've got to be kiddin' me"

"Do i look like i'm joking?!"

"No" I turned around and saw a police car from a distance.

"Quick hide". I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a nearby park. 

"Woah, your soooo intelligent they will never suspect us bwcause there are so many people around here and we will never be found by them." She said sarcastically.


"Don't you 'sshh' me. I'm just making a point here. Oii why are you helping me? As in like you helped me hit that douche bag and now you're with me here hiding from the police. And not to forget i see everyday at Purfrot too."

"You talk a lot"

"Not a lot, just a bit" She said cutely but shyly.

"I think their gone now. Let's get outta here"

"Tbht No. Are you crazy don't you watch crime shows? Police always play stupid tricks to catch the criminal. They will be around here somewhere"  

 "Hahahahaha!" I bursted out.

"What?" She asked me with a scrunched up nose.

"The look on your face, is so adorable!" I said letting out another laugh. She quickly covered my mouth.

"Ssshhh!" She pulled me behind a tree. " I think they just got away Mike" one of the policemen said. "Yeah let's go. It happens all the time with us." Mike said i guess. I dunno.

"Now they're gone" She said when she saw them turning right from the corner. I turned around and looked at her. The street light which was coming on her face made her features even more chiselled. She looked beautiful then ever... I was leaning forward, i was undeniably attracted to the girl standing a few inches away from me. Her eyes,her hazel eyes had so much warmth in them. Every second my head was leaning forward i was falling deeper for her eyes.

We were inches apart when she looked at her watch and exclaimed "Oh shit It's 12 o'clock. I'm so dead" The fear in her eyes was so evident. She started running away from me. "Wait" I got hold of her hand. "You can't go like this.I don't even know your name." I asked her in desperation.

"You don't need to know my name" She said quickly while running away. "Gimme your number atleast" I ran behind her. She didn't reply. "Bye, it was nice meeting you. Hope to see you soon. Thank you so much for helping me." She said and ran as fast as she could with her heels in her hand. In no time she disappeared into thin air.

And i was left all alone. With her last words buzzing in to my ears. I ran my hand in to my gelled hair and thought of going back to the club. Hoping to see her over there.


Again the smell of alcohal came gushing towards me when i entered the pub. I couldn't find my mates. I texted Liam. "Where yu guys?"

He quickly replied "Us? Where were u? We are looking for u dude"

"I'm fine. Where are yu guys?" 

"At my place"

"I'm coming in 15minutes"

Pushing through the drunkards i came outside. Looked for my car and quickly drove to Liam's house. Thinking about that lonely girl. Something about her was so captivating. I've seen her so many times in the cafe' but this time what i was feeling for her was different. I had started to feel something about her.Everything about her was so mysterious yet quite revealing. 

I reached my pocket to take out my dunhil's packet and their i found something small and delicate and very captivating, it was a bracelet, on top of it, it was carved, "Life is a supsrise" i read that allowed. "It sure is" I said. And admired the beauty of it. Maybe it was that Lonely girl's bracelet. I smelled it and it smelled like her. And it was as beautiful as it's owner.



Well yeah life is full of suprises, good suprises,bad suprises,happy suprises,sad suprises. Whatever sort of suprises we get are unusual. Sometimes we expect them and sometimes we don't. Sometimes these suprises change our lives forever....

Who knew that the famous,rich,handsome Zayn Malik will meet a girl like that Lonely girl. And who knew they would change each other's lives, bringing some hardships for each other. But as said above life is a suprise. It suprises us and it will definitely suprise these two truly,madly,deeply.completely,crazily opposite people with different lives.



*Hibah :)x

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