Part 21- ''Remember what?''

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''You don't remember?'' She asked and now I was confused.

''Remember what?''

''You fainted as you walked up the aisle with your mum.'' Charlie explained. ''What?!'' I exclaimed, realising I was in my dress and I was in a strange room. 

Tom carried you in here, the priest said you could stay as long as you needed. 

''Where is everyone? Did I stall the wedding?'' I grinned excitedly, in hope that Nathan could remain un-taken for as long as possible before he was gone. And just so I could tell him that I loved him one last time. 

''Not exactly.'' Charlie mumbled.

''I'm so sorry Kayla, they're married. You missed the wedding,'' she sighed. 

Tears brimmed in my eyes but I didn't want to cry. I should be happy for him, and for her. 

But I just couldn't be. I mean my mother, who made my life miserable had married the man I loved yet there was nothing I could do to stop it. I was eighteen and yet it felt like I was at my mid life crisis or something!

''Don't cry, Kayles, it'll be ok.'' Charlie hushed, cradling me into her chest as I wept.

 ''Where are they now?'' I asked her, lifting my head up to face her. ''They're on their way to the after party, do you want to go?''

I nodded and smiled. ''Can you help me sort my makeup?'' I chuckled, looking in the small mirror on the wall and seeing the mascara running down my face. Charlie grinned and dug around in her bag whilst I stood up properly. She pulled out a makeup wipe and I began to rub all the run down rubbish off my face. 

Charlie then took out some mascara and eyeliner from her bag and I began to re-apply it. 

''Are you sure you want to go? We don't have to,'' She smiled. ''I want to go, then people won't think I've died.'' I chuckled, attempting to lighten up the situation.

Charlie nodded and we left the room after she'd put her things away. 

I saw the exit of the church in front of me and there was a car waiting outside; waiting for both me and Charlie to take us to the next venue.

And all the way there, I was un-easy about how to greet them. Or should I just lay low? Not say anything?

''You ready?'' Charlie checked before we got out of the car.

''Ready.'' I told her and she nodded.

As soon as people saw me they were rushing to ask me if I was okay, and I just chuckled and nodded. I'm here aren't I? I saw Tom, Max, Siva and Jay and they all knew how I'd feel. They were all supportive, saying that Nathan hates what he's done. But I guess he shouldn't really blame himself.

They told me that he needed to speak to me, and it got me worried. What would he want me for?

''Kayla?'' I heard his soft voice behind me. 

I spun around to be met with his green eyes, but they no longer sparkled like they used too. They were dull, like a light had switched off and was now dim.

''Hey Nath.'' I smiled slightly, not able to look at him properly. ''Are you okay?'' He questioned. ''I'm fine, must have gotten too hot.'' I laughed awkwardly and he did along with me. 

''Can I talk to you in private?'' He asked, breaking the laughing, and I nodded, following him into a quieter room away from all the action. 

I hadn't seen my mum yet, but for now I didn't exactly want to.

''Sorry I missed the wedding.'' I shrugged and he sighed. ''You look beautiful.'' He told me, ignoring my previous apology. ''You look nice too.'' I smiled.

Did he balls look nice! He looked amazing! The suit he was in fit perfectly on his masculine body. The shirt was tight but not too tight, it showed him off. The pants even made his cute little butt stand out. His bow tie made everything a little more perfect. His hair was styled different to usually. It was spiked up at the back but he'd left his fringe down. And light stubble made it's way across his jawline, shaved to perfection.

''Me and the lads have got a big deal over in America where we have to stay there for a while, and when I say I while I mean-''

''I'm happy for you, I really am.'' Interrupting him. And he just sighed.

''How did Kirsty react?'' I asked.

He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

''She's coming, she wants us to move there, permanently.'' My breath caught in the back of my throat as his words spun around in my head, stinging me every time I heard them.

''She said it would be a chance to settle down, you know?'' 

''How do you feel about that?'' 

''We both need to move on, there's nothing we can do now, Kayla. And I guess this is our opportunity.'' Nathan shrugged and I nodded slowly, the more he spoke, the more it hurt. ''I need to learn to love her and forget you.'' His words got quieter towards the end of his speech and my heart was breaking a little more with each word he mumbled out.

''No, you're right.'' I half smiled. ''I guess it is a chance to forget you, and how you made me feel. It's a chance to forget everything that happened between us and no matter how bad a mood I was in, you could cheer me up. I can forget how I felt when we kissed or even when you looked at me. Yeah Nathan, you're right. I guess I need to forget it.'' I spat.


''No.'' I spoke sternly.

''I guess this is goodbye.'' I shrugged, looking him in the eye one last time before I walked away. ''Goodbye.'' He whispered faintly from behind me.

Little did I know that it was the last time I'd see him.







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Thanks for reading, 

Lots of love,


P.s- I did promise an update soon ;-)*

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