Chapter 13

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Ashton's POV

Today we had to go back to school. I really don't want to, but at least it's better than New York. So far, no one here has really bullied me or anything. And Luke is helping me with my classes.

My lowest grade is in AP Biology, but that's a 93%, so I'm keeping my grades where they should be.

I should be happy. But I can't force a real smile to my face.


Once I arrived at school, I found everybody sitting at a table in the lunch room.

We sat around and talked for a while before I dismissed myself to go to the restroom. There was a lot of people coming in here and I was getting claustrophobic and a little overwhelmed.

I walked quickly down the hall toward the restroom, but after turning a corner, I bumped into someone causing me to fall down.

"Watch where you're going bitch!" Ashton girl with fake blonde extensions and bright red lipstick says.

"Sorry." I mumble, standing up and brushing myself off.

"You're the new American girl. You've been hanging with Luke, right?" She says while one of the girls standing behind her snaps her gum obnoxiously.

"Um, yeah." I say, as I get up, just wanting to get out of here.

"Stay away from him. He deserves better than your ugly ass." She says and all the girls behind her let out high pitched fake laughs.

"I know he does." I say, looking at the floor.

"Aww. Babies feeling sorry for herse.."

Here words stop suddenly as something catches her eyes behind me.

"Leave her alone!" I hear my saviors voice from behind me.

I silently thank him before stepping back. His arm makes its way protectively around my shoulders.

"Aww? Is daddy gonna save you now? You poor baby." The girl says.

"Get out of her Aubrey. Leave her alone. She didn't do anything to you." Luke says, trying to remain calm.

She huffs, before walking away, 3 more blonde bimbos following behind her like lost dogs.

"Daddy? I like the sound of that." Luke says with a smirk on his face.

My face turns bright red as I let out a small giggle, burying my face in his chest.

"Seriously, are you okay though?" He asks, genuinely concerned.

"Yeah. I'm okay now. I just bumped into her and she started being loud and rude."

"That's Aubry for you." Luke says, shaking his head.

"Did you have to go to the restroom?" He asks.

"Umm. Actually no. The room was just getting crowded and I couldn't breathe. I was getting claustrophobic. I'm okay now though." I say, still leaning into his chest.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

I just nod my head.

"Then we should probably go to class. It's about time for the bell to ring." Luke says, sounding annoyed with school.

I nod my head again and step back from Luke, taking a place beside him instead. He wraps and arm around my shoulders and we walk to class together.


After finally making it through the day, all I want to do is sleep.

I'm at my locker when Luke comes up behind me and pokes my sides. I let out a squeal, before turning around and smiling at him.

"Do you wanna hang out? I've got nothing to do today." He asks.

I smile, and tell him I'd love to. "But there's no way I'm going out. We can go hang at my place." I say happily.

He nods, grabbing his stuff and walking with me to my truck. We hop in and I drive us to my house smiling.

When we arrive home, we take all of our bags and bring them into the house.

Luke goes immediately to the kitchen. "You got any food? I'm feeling snacks and movies." He says.

"Yeah. Get whatever you want. I'm gonna go change, we can watch movies in the living room?" I say.

He nods before moving around the kitchen and collecting snacks.

I walk up to my room and thrown on a pair of sweats and pull my hair into a loose messy bun.

When I walk back down the stairs I see Luke sitting on the couch with a bag of chips and a bowl of popcorn along with mountains of candy and a coke.

I chuckle before walking over and taking a seat beside him. He hands me a water. I smile. "You know me so well." I say sarcastically.

"You have to eat something to. It doesn't have to be this junk, but you haven't eaten all day. At least a little." He says carefully.

I sigh before walking to the kitchen and picking up an apple just to make him happy. He sees me walking back and smiles.

"Okay, what movie?" I ask.

"You pick." He says.

My face lights up, "I vote we binge watch Supernatural!" I squeal happily.

"I vote we do whatever makes you look that happy forever." He says softly, not taking his eyes from mine.

I smile again, turning on Netflix and picking Supernatural.

By the end of the night, I had eaten half the apple and Luke had eaten half of the world. Luke was sitting against the arm of the couch and I was curled into his side with my head on his shoulder and his arm around me. This day couldn't get any better.

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