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"Oh come on it's not that bad, and you've done it before!"

"No I refuse to stand on one of those things again."

"Look do you want to learn how to fly or not?"

"How are you possibly going to teach me?"

"Well it's not like any other method has worked!"

"Guys we're being too loud."

"You muppets are going to get caught, and I'm not going down with you on this one." Hemlock started to walk back towards the school when he was grabbed by his arm.

"Oh Hemmy you're no fun." But he ignored his partner's taunts and continued to leave.

"Hey where's Teal? I thought she'd have wanted to watch."

"Watch what? I'm not standing on that death trap."

"Oh look there she is!" They all turned to face the same direction as Buck and saw a blue haired figure walking towards them; she was still wearing the academy uniform despite the day having ended several hours ago.

"Hey Teal!"

"Hi Cherry, what are you guys doing out here?"

"Flying lessons!" She looked at Buck suspiciously for a moment, then shrugged and walked over to the tall purple haired girl standing by one of the launch pads that had been used at initiation.

"Hey Rain, can I talk to you for a sec?" The girl answered with a nod and followed Teal back to the school building, the group watched them walk away, and once they were out of sight Buck grinned.

"Well, now that the mature one has gone."

"How is Rain the only mature one here?"

"Wynter we're stood here in our pyjamas trying to fire our friend off a cliff, I'm pretty sure Rain's the most mature." Cherry pointed out.

"Anyway," Buck managed to drag the conversation back to what he was saying, "Now that the mature one has gone, you're going to fly."

"Am not." But he wasn't listening as he picked his snoring floppy eared teammate up off the ground and plonked him down on one of the launch pads, and then jumped backwards before the mechanism could take him with it. The contraption burst forward with a clang, sending Rao somersaulting through the air.

"What the hell are you going to do if that doesn't work?" Buck didn't answer Wynter's question; he just looked at Navi expectantly. The brunette was shifting her focus from Rao to them, to the launch pad and back again.

"Y-you're just going to stand there?! He doesn't have his weapon!"

"He'll be fine, besides, you're going after him aren't you?" The siblings fixed their gazes on her with almost identical smirks, Navi fiddled with the hem of her vest and nervously flexed her wings. She studied Rao's fall and sighed with closed eyes.

"You're good." They didn't get any further explanation as the brunette had already stepped onto the launch pad, and with a whoosh of air she left the cliff.

The wind tore at her hair, how was she going to open her wings in this weather? What had Rain said? Your wings are based on a falcon's, you'll have to fly like one if you don't want to crash. Right, falcon, oh crap.

"Okay Navi, you can do this." She tried to reassure herself, it didn't work all too well. She sucked in her breath, made herself as straight as possible, and leaned forward, pretty soon she was hurtling head first towards the Emerald Forest, it grew closer and closer until she could begin to make out the individual leaves. At the very last second she screwed her eyes shut and opened her wings to full stretch, she didn't feel anything except air rushing past her, no scratches, no tangle of branches.

WNTR:  A RWBY FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum