25| Friendship

19.9K 973 73

They'd settled on after four, which gave Eva a decent window to cram in as much editing as she could, as well as swing over to the gallery so she could oversee a few prints in the dark room before picking up the girls at end of day.

Claire's home sat on the fringes of what was considered Haven's more affluent neighbourhood, but was well kept and loving tended despite her more shabby neighbours. The door painted a vibrant, cheerful yellow was so completely Claire, Eva thought, pulling the car to park at the curb.

"Where are we?" Hailey asked, pulling out her ear buds. Eva smiled at her, unfastening her seatbelt.

"I'd promised to arrange a play date with Sam's mom, didn't I? Well, today's the day."

"Seriously?" Hailey whispered as Lucy squealed in glee.


"You're right on time," Claire said when she answered the door, beaming down at three very excited faces. "The weather's perked up so Sam's in the back setting up the sprinklers. Did you guys bring your swimsuits?"

"In the bag," Eva said, handing it over to Hailey who still couldn't seem to stop mentally pinching herself.

"Perfect. Sam's room is upstairs on the left. First door. Go on up to change."

As the girls bounded up the stairs, closing the front door behind her, Eva toed off her converse. "You've got a nice place," she said. Appreciating the rich cerulean walls-a bold colour choice, but one that worked because it was balanced with warm wood, white trim and lots of neutral accents. Fresh flowers were gathered and placed throughout, filling the home with a cozy, fresh scent of a garden that mingled with whatever she had cooking in the kitchen.

"Thanks." Claire wrapped the folds of her periwinkle cardigan over her slender figure, crossed into the living room where a charcoal section proudly sat in front of a whitewashed hearth. "I bought this place after my husband died eight years ago."

"Jesus, I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"You'd be the only one then. Guess you don't have much of an ear for local gossip."

"Gossiping would mean I'd have to talk to people," Eva said with a pointed smirk. "And you know from experience I don't do much of that."

"No," Claire's smile spread, "guess you don't."

"What's that?" Eva asked, nodding towards an interesting painting hung over the hearth. Moving closer, her artist's eye danced across the canvas, all bold black swirling strokes. The negative spaces cleverly used, filled in with colour to create an image that slowly revealed itself the longer you stared at it.

A night-time marsh with a heavy moon and barren tree, a tiny sliver of a canoe gliding out over still water dappled in moonlight. Beautiful. And lonely. But proud. Enduring.

"Oh, that's just a little something I made when Sam was a toddler. I paint, kind of a hobby I did to keep myself busy." She joined Eva at the hearth, arms crossed over her chest. "I'd left that on the floor as she was napping on the couch while I'd answered a call in the kitchen. She'd gotten into the black paint and sort of went at it. When I came back in I saw what she'd done and something...clicked. Later that night, I poured myself into those lines and squiggles, using them like a point of reference for inspiration. Trying to see them the way one would an inkblot. And this sort of just...came out of me."

Beyond them Eva's girls thundered down the steps, squealing as they bolted out into the yard, swimsuits on and ready to play.

"It's beautiful," Eva said, brushing a finger along the edge of the frame. "So honest. Pure. It's creation."

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