"Come on, Pops..." He insisted.

"Where would you go?" I asked him and he was quiet for a bit.

"To some European countries like Spain or England..." He finally answered.

"Spain and England are way different..." I argued.

"Yeah but they both have the best soccer teams in the world..." He muttered.

"And?" I knew where this was headed but I had trouble processing it.

"And nothing." He said. "We'd go and watch all the games you want, it would be awesome..."

"I'd like that actually..." I commented with a small voice.

"I know..." I heard him mumble to himself.

A finger grazed my cheek and I realized I was crying. Owen pushed my hair to the side before grazing my cheek again.

"He loves you so much..." He whispered and for a second I wondered who he was talking about.

"So do I..." I replied. "He's the best brother one could ask for..."

"You're not bad yourself..." He interjected.

"I second that..." Landon intervened.

"I third that?" Nate said and I smiled at his bad joke.

"That was bad, Nate..." Landon pointed out.

"I know..." He admitted. "In my defense, I am currently in a pretty stressful situation, what with my beloved sister bleeding at the back of the car, so I think I deserve more lenience from you, your Majesty..." He added making Owen and I chuckle.

"Shut up, you dork!" Landon interjected good-naturedly.

"No dork I am..." He went on in a robotic voice and Owen was now shaking with silent laughter.

"So England or Spain?" Landon decided to get back to our earlier topic of conversation.

"I don't know..." I mumbled. "But why choose?" I questioned. "If he was a millionaire surely we could visit both countries..."

"That's actually a great idea..." Landon commented a moment later. "We should totally do that during the winter break!" He added excitedly. "I've always dreamt to spend New Year's Eve in Madrid!"

"Hmm... Landon..." I was frowning. "You know Nate isn't actually a millionaire, right?"

"Duh...I know that..." He interjected. "I was thinking it would be the perfect birthday present..."

"Birthday present for who?" I was confused. He couldn't possibly consider offering me a trip to Europe for my birthday, right?

"I think you must have a concussion because you're kind of slow, tonight, Martins..." He said.

"I'll have you know that I'm not slow, Your Majesty!" I used Nate's nickname and tried to mimic his robotic voice. "My brain just doesn't have the ability to even consider the possibility of such a crazy gift, that's all..."

"Now who's the dork?!" Nate cut in playfully and I smiled.

"What's so crazy about it?" He sounded genuine so I huffed.

"The biggest gift I ever got was a three-hundred-dollar soccer camp in Lyvingston..." which was a town an hour and a half away from there, I explained. "So you really want me to get started on what's crazy about your idea?!"

"Things are different now..." He argued.

"How so?" I was curious to hear what he would come up with.

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