Chapter 5

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Ariah's POV

"Look who it is," a familiar deep voice spoke. I turned to spot Brian. He had his hair all done up and spiked with eyeliner around his dark eyes and was wearing a low cut black V-neck showing all of his tattoos and some dark jeans.

"Fancy seeing you here." I smirked as I lightly bumped him with my shoulder before checking out the rest of the alcohol. Brian soon grabbed a tray of beer and headed towards the till, myself following like a lost puppy.

"Here," He put the alcohol I was holding with the beer. "You getting anything else?" He asked. I asked the cashier for some Marlboro cigarettes and then we headed out.

"I could have bought them." I told him as I carried the bag of alcohol and lit myself a cigarette as he carried the tray.

"Tough." He spoke. I smirked and put a cigarette between his lips and lit it for him too."Thanks,"

"You too." I spoke, referring to the things he'd just bought.

As we walked back to the buses it was quite a comfortable silence between us. I was too busy puffing away on my cigarette and observing my surroundings to talk anyway or pick up on any awkward tension. However, I did notice Brian glance at me a few times.

"You look really beautiful tonight." He suddenly spoke as we approached the buses. I automatically felt my cheeks burn up but turned to face him and shot him a grin anyway.

"Thank you Mr Haner. You look really beautiful too," I joked making him chuckle.

"We're leaving in ten minutes. Make sure you bitches are ready," He told me.

"Yes father!" I smirked before flicking my cigarette onto the floor and heading up onto the bus, to be greeted with the bass of the music making my ear drums vibrate.

We all had two shots of vodka and two shots of Sambuca each before there was a loud pounding on the door.

"Come on girlies!" We heard a deep voice through the door.

Hayley grabbed the Sambuca whilst I grabbed the vodka and then we all headed off the bus. Zacky and Jimmy wolf whistled when they spotted us. I felt my cheeks burn a pink as I hadn't gotten this much male attention ever, let alone by a famous band.

We all mixed as we began to walk to the club. Hayley pimped out with both Jimmy and Johnny, Lily with Matt, Dani and Zacky and me and Brian.

"You getting drunk again tonight?" He asked me.

"Hell yeah!" I cried, already a little light headed from the shots.

"I knew I liked you for some reason." He smirked as he held his arm around my back.

It didn't take long, only around ten minutes, to find the club. When we arrived the security guard on the door knew who they were so we didn't have to wait in the long queue to get in.

As soon as I entered the strobe lights hit my eyes and the smell of sweat and alcohol filled my nostrils. It was packed and the music was great. Everybody was up and dancing and it just had a really great atmosphere in here over all.

"We'll grab the drinks," Matt told us all as him and Lily wandered off to the bar, his hand intertwined with her own. So the rest of us headed up to the seating area at the back of the club. When we reached the curved sofa my eyes grew to the size of my head.

"Is that a strippers pole?" I asked Brian as I spotted it leading from the table in the middle of the sofa up to the ceiling. Brian just flashed me a smirk and chuckled at my expression before he sat down. "We're not getting a dance, are we?" I asked.

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