Chapter 4

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Ariah's POV

Thankfully the next three hours passed quite fast and we were soon pulling into the car park at the back of the arena. I quickly called the girls, letting them know we were here before I got from the bus, needing to stretch my legs.

As I hopped down and took a look around me a small smile appeared on my face. It felt so nice to be seeing all of these different places where I'd never even imagined being before. I wasn't sure where I was right now, but it was beautiful. The whole world was beautiful it was just the people inside it who were ugly.

"Hey!" I heard someone call. I turned around and spotted the boys talking to the girls who had now got off the bus too. I spun back around and began to look around the arena and the street before it.

"Where are we?" I asked as I approached everybody, not really caring if I butted in conversation.

"I have no idea." Johnny shrugged. Wow.

"We've got practice now." Matt told us before making his way to the arena.

"We're going around town." Hayley told them, making the decision for all four of us, not like I minded. Thank god somebody was in the same thought bubble as me.

"Make sure you're back by six, we're going out tonight." Brian told us and then walked off with the other boys.

"Awesome!" Dani cried.

"Are they not playing tonight then?" I asked quite confused as I thought we had to be here by a certain time as they had a show.

"No, a night off." Lily explained.

Once we were ready we headed from the bus and made our way to the town centre. I looked at all of our outfits and then looked at the locals. They must have thought the black parade had come to town.

Hayley was wearing a black skater dress, Dani denim shorts with a band shirt and Lily her black jeans and black blouse – all of us so elegant yet so grunge.

"Where to first?" Lily asked as we finally approached some shops. We looked around before spotting a beauty shop.

"Here!" Dani cried and dragged us all in.

We all scattered around. Dani heading to facial, Hayley to perfumes, Lily to lipstick and myself to eye. Considering our jobs were to do bands make-up, we weren't really buying anything for them at all.

"Do you like this one?" Lily asked as she came up behind me, holding a bright red lipstick in her hand, almost plastering my face with it.

"That's nice." I awed as I took it from her to take a closer look. "You getting it?"

"Yeah, and these," She lifted her other hand to show a dark purple, a black and nude.

"Fancy." I smirked. "Can I use them?" I asked. She only hit my arm before walking off. Of course I could, I didn't need to ask. That's what I was taking it as anyway.

I went back to looking at the eyeliners before finally deciding on getting more pencils, a pen and a little pot with brush. I didn't really wear anything else apart from eyeliner and lipstick now and again so I dodged everything else and went straight to check out before heading outside to find the others waiting for me.

"Blood hell, Ar. I didn't realise you took so long!" Hayley cried.

"Sorry." I giggled as we began to make our way towards the clothes store.

"Did Brian say where we were going later?" Dani asked as we entered.

"No just that we were going out." Lily shrugged.

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