Chapter 1

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Ariah's POV

"Oh for god's sake, Ariah.  Just get out here!" Lily cried as she dragged me from the vehicle, not giving me much choice in the matter. I tried to object never the less and run away once I saw the huge arena but it was no use, Lily had a firm grip on me and was only pulling me closer and closer to it.

Lily worked with bands doing their hair and make-up before they go on stage. Right now she was working with the hard-core metal band, Avenged Sevenfold. They'd only just started tour and were playing their first show tonight.

I may have accidentally told Lily that I was free for the next few months and before I knew what was happening, I agreed on working with her on this tour. Only now I felt so nervous that I didn't want to do it.

It had only just hit me on the way to the arena that it was a very well-known band. What if they didn't like me? They'd surely be little bitches to me and what if the fans didn't like me?! Lily had earned so many fans throughout the few years of her job, what if I just got hate?

"Stop worrying." Lily rolled her eyes and loosened her grip on my wrist only for me to grab hold of her hand seconds later as we made our way through the backdoor of the arena.

"Have you met them yet?" I asked her.

"Yes. I met them a couple years back when they were just starting out, I just told you that in the car! They're all awesome. The lead singer has stayed in touch with me. There's no need to worry about it! I'm sure they'll love you." She smirked as she elbowed my ribs and wiggled her eyebrows at me making me feel a little better. The nerves right now were unbelievable. I thought I was going to throw up.

"Are you ready?" Lily asked me. I looked at the door before us which read "A7X Dressing Room".

"No." I lightly laughed, trying my hardest to hide my nerves.

"I don't think they're even in here yet to be honest." Lily shrugged and barged in as though we were the only people in the building. I shrugged, putting on a brave smile and following only for it to disappear a moment later. "Oops, my bad." She lightly giggled. "Hi everyone!" She cried around the room and all eyes were on her...and then me.

"Lily!" One huge ass guy, covered in tattoo's dived at her and lifted her up into a very welcoming hug. I thought for a moment he would crush her.

"Matty!" She giggled as he spun her around playfully. The others in the room were all smiling at the two making a scene in the centre of the dressing room. When Lily got from his grasp she spun around and flashed me an encouraging smile. "This is my dear friend, Ariah. She'll be working with us this tour, guys." She explained as she spun back around to face the others, her hand on the small of my back. "This is Matt, also known as M.Shadows," She introduced me to the body builder.

"Hey." He shot me a smile, showing two deep dimples in his cheeks and held his hand out which I gently shook. Fuck, what a grip!

"Hello." I politely replied and then followed Lily around the room.

"This is Zacky, he's on guitar." Lily moved on towards a male slouched on a dark sofa strumming his guitar. He smiled and saluted making me giggle and flash him a smile. "That's Jimmy, he's the drummer." Lily pointed towards a tall, dark haired, male. He was soon up out of his seat and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Hello!" He excitedly cried, almost crushing my bones.

"Hey," I giggled, finally managing to reply once he pulled away.

"Then Johnny," Lily pointed towards a male on another sofa tuning his bass. He nodded towards me and I flashed him a friendly smile before looking up at the last male. "And of course, Brian. He's lead guitarist," Lily smiled, almost proud that she got through introductions without my cheeks burning a crimson red.

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