"Jet a ducking Doctor." He yelled again now hearing he was saying Doctor. I heard someone remind him of something while the white lifted a bit and I could feel Black's breath on my neck. My body felt like it was on fire and I curled into Black because his touch eased the burn and helped the pain just a little bit less pain is better than feeling the full pain. I saw him pull back and grab something from someone. He used it to wipe my cheeks and it's wet so I think it's a wet paper towel or a wet towel. Once he was finished he looked satisfied but the look left as fast as it came when I felt more of the liquid come from my eyes and nose. With the strength I had left I gently whispered his name.

"Black?" I asked and heard him reply but I couldn't decipher what he said. My vision when full on white again and I let out another scream before it all left me shaking and images flew past my eyes. Rouges were heading somewhere and fast. Their eyes glew brighter than I've ever seen and the woods they were running in looked familiar. It was gonna happen tonight. They were heading here and they were coming for me.

The whiteness left as I felt the pain leave. I whimpered at the soreness of my head and I could barely lift it off of Black's chest. As my vision came back I gasped at the empty room as I distinctly remember hearing Back yelling at atleast 4 people. The room was deserted and it looked like they left in a rush because things were toppled over. He must have lost to his beast whom probably demanded that they leave or it wouldn't end nicely for them. As I gained control over my body again, because my wolf took over and took most of the pain but it still effected me greatly, I could feel the wet sticky substance on my cheeks. I lifted my hand but I just fell back down.

'I'm sorry. I used too much of our energy to heal you and block you from most of the pain.' My wolf said and I nodded. I just saw a future attack on our land and that I'm great full for.

"Black." I said trying to sound as urgent as possible and his head snapped up to meet his eyes with mine.

"Oh thank the goddess I though I was loosing you. Your heart slowed down so much and. And. You scared all of us. Katalien what happened to you?" He asked frantically after his mini speech.

"Eastern boarder. 11:16 about a hundred" I whispered before a whimper escaped when he moved

"What? Katy what's at the eastern boarder?" He asked as my eyes closed and I tried to sleep.

"Rouge army." I whispered so lowly that I don't think he heard me.

"I can't keep away from you anymore Katalien. It hurts to much to hear you toss and turn at night. I'm so sorry for hurting you it's just that my aunt is a witch and she put a spell on me that allowed her to control my body and I tried to push you away because she said that if I didn't reject you or have you reject me within a year of finding each other she would have taken over my body and make me kill you. I'm so sorry. Your mother lifted the curse and now I'm back to my old self." He says frantically and I nod snuggling his chest.

"I love you Black. I alway have and always will" I whispered before passing out.

Black's POV (Surprise)

Please goddess don't let her be dead. I prayed placing my hand on her chest to find her heart beat. I sighed heavily when I did find it and Laid her on the bed. I went to my office and pressed the bell that called a meeting. once everyone showed up I started.

"As some of you heard my curse has been lifted and that the pack doctor was involved with it. Right now he is now the gods and goddesses of the beasts property and he will be judged by his actions of treason. Just recently your Luna had a mental breakdown that turned out was a vision of the future. She has seen that there is a rogue army coming to attack and that they are coming from the east boarder. That is our boarder of them all. They are targeting here and they will be here around 11 tonight. We have till then to gather our people and be ready. The women, children, and elders are all to be in the bunkers in all of the states in case the rogues split up and attack the other states too. There are to be at least 100 soldiers in each state except here the rest are to be here to protect your Luna. She isn't positive how many there are but there are at least 100. We now know that rogues are teaming up to take out our pack but we will fight for our land." I say and get all good responsive growls from each of my betas and thirds.

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