Gillian looked at the bustling village. It had been a long time since he had been there.

He never did like being in the village. People pitied him ever since his parents had died. He had been thought of as "that poor boy with no parents". And he hated every minute of it. As soon as he was old enough, he went out into the woods and built himself a little shack where he couldn't be bothered by the villagers constant stares and hushed whispers.

Even now people still looked at him differently. He dismounted his horse once he got to the main store.

The bells jingled as Gillian opened the door and walked inside.

"Gillian! I haven't seen you in these parts since last winter!" the jolly man behind the counter smiled good naturedly at him.

"Mr. Calloway." Gillian tried to put on a genuine smile. "I came in for some flour, sugar, and some material."

Mr. Calloway took Gillian in after both of his parents had died and although he was nice, Gillian grew tired of his constant chattering. Thus he took his leave as soon as he was grown and able.

"What you be needing material for, son?" Mr. Callaway peered curiously at Gillian. "You haven't learned to sew have you?"

Gillian shook his head. "I found a girl in the woods a while back, she didn't have a thing on her except for the clothes on her back. I figured I get her some material to work with."

"A girl ya say?" Mr. Callaway looked at Gillian with more interest. "What'd she look like?"

Gillian looked warily at Mr. Callaway. "She's got light brown hair, mismatched eyes, and tall." he held his hand up at his chest, indicating how tall she was. "Why?" he narrowed his eyes at Mr. Callaway.

Mr. Callaway quickly focused his attention on something else. "Oh nothing. No reason at all. Just curious. That's it."

Gillian wasn't convinced, but didn't push it. "Anyway, I'll need a sack of flour, and a canister of sugar. Plus the material."

Mr. Callaway nodded and started measuring the flour. As he filled Gillian's order, Gillian looked at the material that lined the walls. He looked through the green and blues, the white and greys, the purple and pinks, then he came across a scarlet colored silk. Scarlet would go well with her paler complexion.

"How much is this?" Gillian looked at Mr. Callaway holding up the silk.

Mr. Callaway raised his eyebrows. "It's one hundred sovereigns-" Gillian frowned, "-but that material has been there for months, so I'd give it to you for, hmm, let's say, eighty sovereigns."

Gillian frowned. He had enough for it. But just to spend eighty sovereigns on just some material? he stroked his chin. But you did burn her other dress. Her only dress. he rubbed his face. It was torn and bloody anyway. he looked at the material again. And she'll need something to wear when she goes looking for her family.

"Fifty sovereigns?" he looked back at Mr. Callaway.

Mr. Callaway considered it for a moment. "Sixty and you've got yourself a deal."

Gillian smiled as he took the material down from the shelf. "I'll also need a spool of thread, and a needle."

Mr. Callaway nodded and went to get the items.

Gillian frowned. She won't have any work clothes.

He sighed and went back to the materials and picked out a cream colored cotton fabric and set it on the counter.

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