In the Mirror In My Dream

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“that must be fun” she nodded

“I get to meet celebrities so im not complaining though the long hour shifts suck but its worth it all in the end”

CRASH!!! A massive crash sounded from the kitchen and a muffled cuss after all I could see in my head was Lesley underneath piled up pots and pans, quite a funny image if you ask me.

“Oh god what has Lesley done now?” Libby sighed

“I don’t know but im going to find out” Leon stood his hand slightly brushed my knee sending shivers up my spine if it wasn’t his smile or eyes it was his touch.

When he left Libby continued on like nothing interrupted us telling me about the celebrities that personally hired her to style them for an even and how she’s worked with very famous Rachel Zoë. It was a surprise how normal she lived her life considering she’s a vampire, I don’t exactly know what I was expecting but it wasn’t this.

Lesley and Leon emerged from the kitchen after half an hour later.

“Alright well I have a date so I think im going to head out, its was a pleasure seeing you again Karla I shall see you in class!”

“in class?” Libby asked  he turned to her smirking nodding

“im her teacher  in directing and photography class”

“real?” she turned to me astonished I nodded “ well good luck with that”

“hey im not that bad” he frowned at her crossing his arms she just rolled her eyes stand up.

“well im sure Tyler is waiting for me so I think I better be off as well” she walked over pulled me from the couch then embracing me into a warm hug “it was very nice meeting you, im in town for a few days so feel free to give me a call if you need anything or if my brothers are annoying you and ill be over to straighten them out” we pulled apart

“and don’t worry about, you know who, your safe” I nodded thanking her.

“By big brothers” she hugged them both

“thanks for cooking dinner Libby” Leon smiled down at her she was only 5’6 so even I was a tad taller then her. “Tell Tyler I said hi”

“will do” with that and a little wave she was gone in a blink of an eye, I don’t know if ill ever get used to this whole super speed thing. after bidding farewell fist bumping with Leon and hugging me whispering ‘get it girl’ and me rolling my eyes in return Lesley left.

The house completely silent with a few ticks here and there from the clocks and crackling from the fire. “so tomorrow I suggest you get your stuff with a friend or something do not go alone or anything”

“ I  guess I could ask raph” he nodded and it fell silent this was so weird I haven’t sleep at anyone else’s house let alone a guys since my fiancé.

“um  so you know where the kitchen , lounge and your bedroom is” I nodded “ right through that door there is my home office” he pointed to s big  wooden door “ that silver door your probably don’t want to go through it holds my .... Food” aka blood im guessing

“right through that door is just a little closet. And through there is the down stairs bathroom. Follow me”

we walked up the stairs to the landing which looked over the lounge room. “Your room of course, next to yours is a spare room as is the one on the other side then there’s the bathroom but yours is already connected in your room.” He pointed to the double black wooden doors at the end 3 doors down from mine “that is my room so im not too far if anything goes wrong or something..” he trailed off rubbing his neck “uh so im betting your tired from the events of today plus I have some stuff to tell you and possibly show you tomorrow!” I totally forgot today was Friday I hadn’t called to cancel my night out with peter.

Beyond His beauty & his Charm (On Hold/ Hiatus)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant