Maybe ...

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'What should I say to her ' thought Misaki . This is my chance to prove to Kuroko that I'm over ... That . Misaki replied and said ," Sure I'd be happy to join ." The whole team looked at her like she was crazy . A single thought went through the whole teams head ' That poor soul now she'll have to deal with the torture I mean training that coach gives us .' They were broken out of their thoughts when coach said
," Well be happy to have you .... Welcome to the Seirin basketball club team ." She had the brightest smile on her face .
," But now I'll need you too take off your shirt ." She still had that evil smile on her face .
," W-What !" Shouted Misaki
," Please I need to see your stats ." She replied with that big smile stilling her face .
' But what if the boys see ... Oh whatever better in front of everyone than if only one saw me right ?' Slowly Misaki took of her shirt . Everyone on the basketball team had a nosebleed .
Kuroko then said in a creepy tone ," Hey , you know she still is my sister right ." Kagami turned toward him and said ," But anyone would have a nosebleed seeing that . " On the other side of the gym Coach was having her own thoughts. ' She has scored higher than Kagami especially in the arms and legs area , but my question is ... How did she get so strong ?' Coach then snapped out of her thoughts when Misaki said
," Coach may I put my shirt on now I have a feeling the boys may passout from blood loss . "
," Yes of course Misaki ."
With that Misaki put on her shirt and the boys were back to normal .
," Well Misaki we hope to see you at practice tommrow and I want to see you have a one-on-one with Kagami ." Said the Coach calmly.
," Eh I have to go against that giant ?"
," Of course plus I want to see your skill so bye bye now ." With that said Misaki walked out of the gym .
' That poor soul ' thought the boys
," Now then boys let the torture I mean practice begin ." The boys all groaned but got to work .

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