Where'd you get that knife from?

Start from the beginning

~POV change to Jason!~

I walked around trying to find (y/n) when I found her and the clown talking about their rematch...wait the knife game?! That's not safe! She'll cut one of her fingers! Or worse, lose one! I was about to intervene when she started, she was so fluent in her movements, it was beautiful. I sat back and watched her, after her turn I looked to the clown whom of which failed miserably because of the size of his claws. Then knife slipped through his 'skin' spilling out black blood and I held back a laugh. I grinned at (y/n) victory but frowned slightly when I saw her stop herself after standing up and rub her temple "...what was that about?" I wonder to myself. I step out of the shadows and approach the pair. "Indeed, come on (y/n) we should go home now, this place isn't safe" I said giving the clown a dirty look.

~POV change back to the narrater (me, cause I'm awesome ( ^ω^ )~

(y/n) looked uncertain about leaving before just nodding "yeah, ok" she said looking at Jack a little guilty. Other than almost dying that was a lot of fun today. She walked up to jack and gave him a quick hug. "Good bye Jack, we should play again some time" she said happily then ran off to Jason as he opened a door that wasn't there a moment ago and stepped through it into her room. Running and jumping back into her bed, (y/n) turned around and gestured for Jason to sit beside her, which he did. "Jason can I ask you some questions and you are completely honest with me?" She asked not really looking him in the eye.

"Of course" Jason said folding one leg over the other, prepared to answer anything she wanted to know.

"What are you? You and Jack, you sound so familiar but...I don't know where I might have heard of your names" she said trying to find the answer before him but she couldn't.

Jason's eyes widened slightly, prepared to answer anything...except that "uhh well," he shifted uncomfortably "we are creepypastas, you might have heard of us, we are scary stories spread through the Internet and we well..." He moved away slightly "kill people" he said looking away and staring at the wall.

(Y/n) just nodded then the memory came back of when she first read the stories about 5 years ago. "Now I remember, you're Jason the toy maker, 'a monster hidden behind an Angels face' I believe was how most described you. You made kids your friends and gave them toys but if they didn't pay enough attention to you, you would get mad, your eyes would turn green and you'd kill them and turn them into toys while claiming that you'd 'fix them up'...right?" She asked looking up at him, he only glanced at her briefly before nodding. She let out a deep breath "and jack was originally rainbow coloured but the kid that he was originally the best friend of forgot about him and left him inside he's box so jacks colours faded away. The only reason Jack turned out like a murderer though is because his personality was made to change like Isaacs and it did exactly that, now he's permanently stuck being a killer." She said now remembering jacks story as well.

Jason nodded hesitantly in agreement to what she'd said. (Y/n) looked at him a slight frown gracing her features "so why are you two here? What am I missing?" She asked curiously. Jason visibly shifting rather uncomfortably.

Jason struggled to look her in the eye "well umm...you see you've known us for a long time, or rather at least since you were younger and still had your sibling" he said a tad awkwardly as if not wanting to answer these questions. (Y/n) frowned at this looking genuinely confused.

"What do you mean when (sibling name) was alive? (He/she) went missing when I was only five" she said lost in what Jason had said, this just didn't make any sense to her. Well how could it?

Jason nodded slightly "...did you or your sibling ever remember anything about imaginary friends that your parents said were silly or you should grow up and forget about them?" He asked staring at the doorway.

Now that (y/n) thought about it her sibling and herself did used to have imaginary friends, when she tried to remember hers she only got a blur but she remembered Jason was (sibling name)'s 'imaginary' friend, she looked at him cautiously "yes...you were (sibling name) imaginary friend...I don't know who mine was though" she said a tad awkwardly.

Jason seemed slightly amused by this but hid the smile "it might come back to you," he placed his soft hand on top of her small hand "and I am extremely sorry about what happened to your (sister/brother)" he said slightly ashamed of himself. She only smiled and nodded.

"It's ok Jason, it's all in the past. It's been fourteen years, I think I can forgive you" (y/n) said laughing a little, to which Jason smiled at.

(Y/n) smiled then stood up grabbing another change of clothes, "I'm going to have a shower"she said then just walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. After taking off her clothes (y/n) stepped into the warm shower loosening her muscles in the warm water...the moment was quickly ruined by someone trying to open the door. "It's locked!" She called out to whoever was on the other side of the door, all she could hear was Jason mutter a 'damn'.

To cover up being a pervert he called out, "It's getting late! So I'm going to get going! I'll see you around!" Trying not to laugh she called out to him over the sound of the running water.

"Ok see you when I do!" She smiled.

~Le time skip to after (y/n) gets out of the shower, you perverts brought to you by me being ahead of the class in English yet some how failing at spelling when typing up fanfics, slow round of applause for me~

As (y/n) stepped out of the bathroom dressed in her pyjamas she walked over to her bed only to see laughing Jack's Jack-in-a-box sitting on her bed facing her, she smiled slightly. "Fine, ok I'll let you out" she said to the box and sat beside it taking the small nob in her hand and slowly turning it singing along to the tune. "All around the mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel, the monkey thought t'was all in fun til POP! goes the weasel. Half a pound of two penny rice, half a pound of treacle, mix it up and make it nice, POP! Goes the weasel, up and down the city lane, in and out of the eagle, that's the way the money goes.." The lid sprung up but nothing came out. She nodded and put the box back on the shelf then turned back to her bed seeing the monochrome clown sitting there, his legs crossed like a child staring at her.

"Good evening lollipop" he said grinning.

(Y/n) shook her head "Jack why are you here?" She asked curiously.

He pouted "do I have to have a reason to hang out with you" he asked in mock hurt.

She only rolled her eyes "seriously Jack why are you here?" Taking one of the movies from the shelf she put it on the TV.

He grinned "well I wanted to spend the night here since..." He paused only to say the other boys name in disgust "Jason.." He cleared his throat "got to stay for a night." He laid down "so now I'm here for the night~" he said in a singsong voice.

She only nodded knowing there is no way of getting out of this "alright, then what are we going to do?"

Laughing Jack X reader X Jason the toymakerWhere stories live. Discover now