The Hunt

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*Reader's POV*

After finally telling Natsu what I saw and having him finally explain it all, my heart was finally at ease. 

We continued walking through our regular path, and I could hear the excited chatter coming from Fairy Tail, but as I was about to push open the Guild's doors, Natsu stopped moving.

 "What's the matter, Natsu?"

 "The guild, everyone is...loud. It's never loud when I'm not there..." 

Well, he does have a point there, I thought to myself. "Maybe its a new recruit, or Master Makarov made some sort of announcement,"I answered him. 

"No, this doesn't sound like that..." Natsu had a worrying look on his face. 

He pushed open the doors and Happy was flying all over the guild, with a scared expression.

"Happy? Is something wrong?" I asked the blue cat.

 "Aye. It's Gray And Erza. They haven't been in the guild for 4 days! I was with them when you told me to go on the job with Erza and Gray, but after we left for Acalypha town they told me to get some fish so that we could eat it. When I got the fish and came back, they were gone. I figured that they went back home, so I went back to the Guild...but...*sniff* THEY ARENT HERE AND I'M GETTING VERY WORRIED WHAT IF THEY GOT REALLY HURT OR KIDNAPPED OR THEY DITCHED ME BEAUSE I DIDNT GET THE RIGHT FISH! NATSU, (Y/N) HELP ME!" Happy started sobbing and flew onto Natsu's head. Natsu patted Happy and answered him.

"Don't worry, little buddy. We'll find them."

Time skip ~ That evening...

Natsu, Happy and I took the train to Acalypha town and, as usual, Natsu could barely keep his breakfast down. He was sitting on the seat in front of me and I felt a little sorry for him. I moved right next to him and he plopped his head down onto my lap. I started to play with his hair and placed a kiss on his forehead. Happy curled up on top of my head and fell asleep. 

"Natsu, do you think Gray and Erza are alright? What if Happy is right, and that they're both really hurt, or worse..." Natsu opened his eyes and answered me while straining his voice. 

"I'm ....sure they're fine. E-Ezra ...and Gray are real strong. They'll fine" his words calmed me down a little.

"Yeah, you're right. You should sleep until we get there. We'll need our strength and the ride won't feel as long." I told him while stroking his hair. 

"You too, (y/n)." His breath evened and he seemed more peaceful. 

Good. He's asleep, I thought to myself. I looked out the window and admired the starry night. Erza...Gray...hold on. We're coming... And with that last thought, I drifted off to sleep...

The Next Morning...

I felt the heat on the sun on my face, and the heat of a certain Dragon Slayer on my lap, his face pointing towards me. 

"He must've turned in his sleep." I smiled, then wondered what time it was. "7:27 A.M. We should be stoping soon." 

That's when I realized that there wasn't any weight on my head. I looked around to see where Happy went, and I found him walking towards me with 2 fish; one in his hand, the other in his mouth. He offered one of them to me and I smiled back.

 Natsu yawned and got off my lap. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." I whispered in his ear while giving a slight laugh.

"Ugh...what time is it?" he said while stretching and rubbing his eyes. 

"7:29" I answered. "We should be getting there soon." 

As if on cue, the intercom turned on and an announcer said. "We have arrived our destination. All passengers disembarking at Acalypha town, this is your destination." Natsu's eyes filled with joy and he started jumping around yelling, 

"Yes! We've stopped moving!" I sighed and pushed Natsu towards the door. 

"Well, if we don't get off, we will start moving again so hurry it up!" At those words, Natsu ran off the train. "What a kid..." I thought.

Natsu, Happy and I split up and asked everyone we passed if they saw Gray or Erza while holding up their pictures. Nobody recognized them.

I met up with Natsu and Happy in front of "Love and Lucky".

"Any luck finding any clues on Erza and Gray?" I asked Natsu with hope in my eyes. 

"Nope. I can't believe no one saw them! Especially since Erza had that massive cart filled with all her stuff ..." Natsu said while huffing. Just when we thought all hope was lost, an old lady came up to us. 

"Excuse me, but are you three looking for a Requipping wizard and an Ice mage?" the lady asked. Both me and Natsu jumped up. 

"Yes! They're exactly who were looking for!" I answered with a big smile. 

"I'm the one who put the request in. The job is in the forest in that direction." the old lady pointed North-west. "I guessed that they left without taking the reward, so I didn't bother looking for them. I'm terribly sorry." the woman bowed in front of us. 

"No, no its alright. Anyway, thank you for your help ma'am!" I started heading North-West. 

"Yes, Arigatou! " Natsu and Happy said at the same time.

We got to the entrance of a dark and spooky forest. "Okay. we'll split up and try to sniff out Erza and Gray. If you find them, signal me okay?" Natsu explained. I agreed with him and he gently pressed his lips to mine. "Good luck, (y/n)." He span around and ran off.

I ran deep into the forest, trying with all my might to pick up Erza or Gray's scent. About 10 minutes later, I caught a whiff of a smell that was very familiar. 

"Erza..." I followed the smell while running as fast as my legs could go. "Erza! Where are you?!" I was shouting at the top of my lungs. I then could smell both Erza and Gray. The smell was getting stronger. I them felt a slight chill run down my back and steam came out of my mouth. There were little ice crystals here and there, and some of the trees were cut down. 

I started to slow down and inspected the area. There were even more patches of ice and I had to watch where I stepped, making sure I didn't slip on ice or trip on a tree log. Then, I saw her scarlet hair over her face. she was wearing her "Robe of Yüen" armour which was ripped in several places. Blood dripped down the side of her face and she had bruises all over. "Erza..." I whispered with tears in my eyes. Just as I was about to craft a flamethrower and shoot it upwards, I spotted a half-naked Gray, face down in the dirt. He had 4 bite marks running down his arm. 

"PURPLE FLAME DRAGON CRAFT! FLAMETHROWER!" I said as a magical flamethrower made of my flames came into my hands and I shot it upwards. I got rid of it and listened to Gray's heart and breathing. 


 He was alive. I listened to his breaths. They were laboured and shallow. I could hear Natsu's footsteps coming closer, so I picked up Gray and yelled at Natsu with tears coming from my eyes. 

"Natsu! Grab Erza and lets go! If we don't...they'll-they'll be as good as dead!" tears were spilling out of me and I started running with Natsu quickly behind me. I looked at Erza's lifeless body, then at Gray's. 

"Please...Be okay..."

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