Grief Never Bound Jealousy

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Chapter 11: Grief Never Bound Jealousy

Life's Canvas

(Song)-Crazy in love ~ Fifty shades of grey

Chapter 11: Grief Never Bound Jealousy

Richard led Kori up to her room, her cold hand in his own. He felt guilty. Really, really guilty. He should've been upset. A man had just died... a man whom Kori knew well, at that. But he wasn't that upset. He was more affected by seeing Kori so distressed. Of course, that was part of the problem. He was jealous of dead guy. And if Kori had known the exact thoughts running through his head at that moment, it was likely she would think he was the scum of the earth.

Richard sat her down on the bed gently, and he tried to carefully loosen his hand from her own. Kori would have none of it, though, and yanked him down to sit beside her. She pressed her head to his shoulder and clung to his arm like a terrified child. "Richard... what do I do now?" she asked, her voice far away. He sighed, using his free hand to stroke the back of her head.

"I don't know... I don't know," he murmured. Kori sniffed and shuddered.

"I'll kill myself if she goes after you too," Kori whispered. Richard shook his head and cupped her chin in his hand, bringing her face up to look at him.

"Don't say that," he said sternly. Kori simply closed her eyes.

"But it's true, I won't be able to live if I loose you too... oh, what if they go after Madame Logan too? Raven's been nothing but a friend to me," she shivered, fresh tears slithering down her cheeks. "And she's just been married too," Kori sighed pitifully. Richard wasn't sure what to do to help her; he was having a hard enough time keeping his envy at bay. Kori seemed like she must have loved Roy so much... he remembered she had acted a little tense at the café, but he was fairly sure she had just been unhappy with Roy's protectiveness.

"It's ok, Kori... you're not going to loose me or Raven or Gar. I promise," he said softly, pulling her into his embrace. She clung to him, burying her head against his neck, her tears running down onto the collar of his shirt. "But Kori... you should change... both of us should. Our shirts have blood on them," he muttered. Kori stifled another sob and nodded, sliding from his arms slowly. As he got up to leave, she touched his shoulder and he turned, facing her curiously. "Yes?" he inquired. Her eyes told him everything... she was frightened; she didn't want him out of her sight. "Kori, I promise you I'll be right back. Just one moment, ok?" he soothed. Kori nodded reluctantly and Richard sighed, wrapping his arms around her briefly. She settled against him, and seemed a little better as he let her free.

He gave her an encouraging smile and wiped her drying tears from her face. Richard left her, and went to his room. He changed his shirt slowly, his mind far elsewhere. He sighed and sat on his bed, tugging at the dark grey T-shirt he'd slipped on. This had to be the worst time to decide you'd fallen in love. He groaned, slamming a pillow to his face. Kori's boyfriend just died, Dick, get a hold of yourself! He proceeded to mentally brutalize himself and would've continued to do so had Kori not come to his door. She knocked lightly on his door and he came out to meet her, at which point she threw herself on him again. He noted she had on a long black peasant skirt and a thin black blouse on to mach. She had also conformed to the ways of shoes and was donned in a pair of black boots. Her hair was tied curtly up in a tight bun.

Richard frowned, running his hand along her back. She looked so different... Kori let him lead her down stairs and into the massive living room, settling her on a large leather couch. He took a seat beside her and she remained rigid, making no move to rest against him but rather staring darkly down at her hands, fidgeting with them in her lap. Richard watched her carefully.

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