Date with Death

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Chapter 10: Date with Death

Life's Canvas

Chapter 10: Date with Death

An hour later, Kori came downstairs and met Richard as planned. She was in a pair of old jeans, paint stains faded, but evident. She wore a loose white tunic with the sleeves rolled up and she had pulled her hair back in a sloppy ponytail. Under one arm she carried a bag with her pallet and various brushes as well as her little jars of paint. Under the other arm were three blank canvases and her "Spring Robin" painting. Richard hadn't changed, save his shirt being a little rumpled from lounging on the couch.

"Ready?" he asked. Kori smiled and nodded. From the look on his face, he hadn't put thoughts of her past to rest yet. "We're going to have to take the car this time. I don't think you can carry all that on the bike..." he continued. Kori sighed softly, pouting.

"I suppose. You must teach me how to ride one of those things on my own before I leave," she decided. Richard grinned, but there was an odd sense of dread as she spoke. He didn't particularly want her to leave. And with his past, he figured it to be unlikely they would remain in touch... despite what Kori told him.

"Sure, but let's go." He shrugged. Kori beamed and trotted up beside him. "Want me to carry anything?" he asked. She tilted her head to the side.

"You can take the paints..." she replied. He nodded and took the bag. With one arm free now, she slipped it into his and proceeded to escort him out the door. Richard laughed quietly. It was then that he recalled the party next week. He still hadn't fulfilled his promise to Raven... he had to invite Kori. Of course, it was now beginning to seem like a much more attractive prospect.

"Uh, Kori?" he asked.


"You remember that party I'm invited to?"

"Yes, that was when you told me about that Kitten girl... why?" she snickered. Richard huffed.

"You don't know how much torture Kitten is... so don't even go there. But, that's beside the point. I was wondering if you wanted to come, "he said. Oh, the lovely ways jealousy can manipulate the tongue! Richard now realized inviting her would mean she'd need a date, which would imply Roy in all likelihood. Not that any other random guy would have made him feel better anyhow. So... there was a logical way to get out of this... "And, if you wouldn't mind, you could come as my date. I mean, because I don't have one yet and you don't have one and... it-it could be fun or something," he muttered.

Kori watched him stumbling over the words as they drove towards the building, his eyes very intently placed on the road ahead. She smiled gently. "I'm sorry, Richard, but I can't..." she said apologetically. Richard was surprised to find he was actually depressed with her rejection.

"Oh, uh, sure. No problem... is it because of Roy or something?" he blurted. Kori laughed then, her voice light and carefree. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye, confused.

"No, not at all. I simply don't have anything to wear..." she chuckled. Richard couldn't help himself, and began to laugh as well.

"That's not a problem, Kori. We can go get you a dress, it's no problem at all," he sighed. Kori smiled.

"Really? Because I'd love to go," she said hopefully. They pulled into the parking lot and stepped from the car.

"Ok, great. We can go to the mall after this, if you want," he said. Kori nodded dutifully.

"Of course!" she said happily. She paused, and Richard was frightened to see a slow and rather sly grin work its way onto her pretty features. She slunk over to him and stood half an inch from his face. Richard swallowed and lifted a brow.

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