"Yeah sure just make sure there preventable." He walks off to do last second arangements.

You onen your hand and look at the paper and your just froze. He had given you his address. The address was for a very famous family. You stood there for a minute and started to to walk into the woods. As you walk around the woods you hear a slight rustle you keep walking a bit till someone grabs you buy the neck and trows you to the ground causing you to cry in pain.

"God! No!" you yell and open your eyes to see a man with blue flaming eyes.

"I...Im so sorry!" He looks like he was worried and he helps you up on your feet but as soon as he lets you go you fall to the ground feeling dissy.

He quickly tries to help but you slap his hand away and scoot yourself to a tree weezing a little. He walks over to you and kneels down infront of you.

"Where are your parents and why are you alone...?" he asks softly as he puts his hand on your shoulder trying to calm you down.

"M-My parents?....t-they...there not here anymore..." You speak softly

You told him about how you never knew your father and how your mother died when you where only a child.

"How did you manage on your own...?" he asks softly.

You softly stare at the ground. You used to manage with the help of Emma before you where brought in by the pasta family before you even relized it you where crying in his arms.

"Im Dreamshade..." he says softly as he pats her back.

You frose you knew that nam everyone in the manor mentioned the name at least once. You softly bury his face in his shoulder this was the first time you cried this much since Emma died and you where taken to the manor.You softly pull away sniffling but as soon as he let go you fell back on the ground.

"I am realy sorry here." he picks you up bridal style and starts to walk off and you slowly pass out.

(time skip)

"Psst hey you ok?" you flutter your eyes open and see Dreamshade.

"W-Where are we...?" You relize that you where still in his arms.

"Uh nothing special..." he says with a shrug and opens the door to find a small appartment with wepons all over the place.

You softly stand up shacking a little. 'so the rumors where true' you tought as you took a few steps out the door.

"Oh sorry i suppose i should clean thoes up. Heh sorry." he says as he scratches the back of his head.

"N-No no I just needed a bit to Um...adjust." you say nerevesly as you walk back in.

You help him clean everything up.

"So i was wondering...do you wanna go have dinn-" he turns around to see you passed out on his sofa it was like you had a special power of being to sleep whenever you feel like it. He gives a blanket and goes to sleep in his room.

(Back at the slender manor.)

"Ugh where the hell is she!" tendy yells as he starts pacing the room. The slendor brothers where all worried about (y/n).

"Wait before I left i heard this boy invite her to some costume party!" slenderman yells and they all run out in human descises. Slender bangs on the door till the young man answers the door. Splendy grabs him by his hirt. 

"Were the hell is (Y/N)?!" he yells shocking everyone.

"Ugh you mean the shorty...?  She ditched last night what a freak...hey if you see her slap her in the face for me..." he says with a hint of annoyances.

Splenderman's face turns red with furry. Splendy punches him hard in the face and marches off as the brothers follow. After a while they deside to head home and look for her in the woods. 

(back to you).

You come out of the shower wearin some pants and along buttion up shirt that you barrowed from Dreamshade. 

"T-Thanks for t-the clothes " you speak softly as you poke your head into the kitchen where he was cleaning out his guns.

"Why do you have all these guns out..? "you ask as you sit next to him.

"There are veary dangerous cratures out there and i plan to find them and kill them." he answers with a focused look on his face as her quickly reassemble his weapons.

"No one deserves to die..." you whisper softly and stare at the groud.

An idea pops up in your head and you glance at you purse and walk over and head to the door.

"Wha-What? Where are you going..?" he looks up at you.

"To the mall I like to walk around." you say then you trip and braced yourself for impact but find yourself in Dreamshade's arms.

"Wow your fast!" you say in awe and he gives you a slight chuckle.

"How about I come with...? " he says as his eyes go back to normal and you smile.

"Lets go!" you softly grab his hand and you both head to the mall.

"You!" you hear someone yell and trun around to see the boy from the mall. He looked pissed.

"How dare you! First you ditch my party! Then you get your brothers and his buds to come and punch me! Lets see how you like it!" before you knew it he he raised his hand about to strike you.

You close your eyes bracing yourself but you feel Deamshade pushes you behind him and thake the punch like it was nothing. He stares at him in shock while you hide behind Dreamshade trembling.

"Im very sorry but last night (y/n) had gotten hurt and was unable to attend your party. And I'm think you must be mistaken." he wraps his arm around your waist pulling you closer.

"This is my girl!" he says glaring daggers at him.

You stare at him for a moment then blushed.

"Yeah right!" the man tries to grab your arm and was sent flying by Dreamshade.

You hide your face in his shoulder for a bit till he switly leads you to the mall this was the first time someone had stood up for you like that you start to feel dissy and you pass out.

(quick point of view change)

"(Y/N)! SOMEONE CALL HELP!" I walk out of the video game store and hear someone yelling I turn my head to see a man and...wait is that (y/n?!) I rush over to them and dig in my hat and take out a pen. 

"Gosh darn it (y/n)..." I let out a sigh and engect in her tigh.

"Im sorry sir I-"I look up to see Dreamshade 

Creepypasta family (creepy pasta x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ