Chapter 1.

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Tabitha's POV

High School? People say it's some of the worst years you'll ever experience but also some of the best. To me,high school is just a place everyone goes to entertain themselves. With the amount of judgemental freaks judging your every move like they have nothing better to do to the most pretentious people pretending they actually like you. Entertaining isn't it?

I entered the front doors of my school like I usually did at 7.30 in the morning with my bestfriends, Chris and Maya. Except today, we arrived at 7.40 because it was Maya's turn to carpool. She has never arrive on time for anything. I bet she will be late to her own funeral one day.

I breathe in the bask ambiance of stereotypes everywhere. On the left, you could see the jocks and the popular girls. My twin brother, Tyler Dawson belonged to that group. Then to the farther left you could spot the Asians. I loved the Asians because they're always so kind to me. Then on the right, there was the 'punk rock' kids who listens to only punk rock music and shuts out anybody who likes pop. Tell them you like Justin Bieber,you're basically asking for your death sentence.

I pinned in my locker combination and grabbed my books for first period which was....Math! I internally groan. I was horrible at math. I don't get the concept of it and I don't think I ever will. But to top it off, I had the worst math teacher ever.

I mean it's bad when you already hate the subject and now you hate the teacher too. Ms Amy, had an extremely loud voice that was super irritating. Student's were convince she swallowed a microphone as a child.

"Guys,there's still like 15 minutes left...Im just going to go to my lockers, see you at lunch" Chris said.

Chris's locker wasn't near any of ours his locker was literally located upstairs.

"alright chrissy see you" I say about the same time as Maya says "Bye."

I grinned at Maya whose locker was beside mine. Maya didn't get the locker beside me initially. She got lucky enough to switch with someone who was kind enough to let her.

"He is so off to meet Riley" I stated.

"Duh,where else would he go?" She chuckled.

Riley Green was the 'good girl' of our school and eversince Chris heard the lyrics from that 5SOS song 'good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught' he was confident that Riley was not what she seems to be. He made it his mission to bring out the inner bad girl in her.

Though,what he didn't know was that in between his teasing towards her,Maya and I figured out he was actually secretly crushing on her. He keeps denying it but we could all tell. I mean he would even take the initiative to pick her up on the days where it was his turn to carpool. You wouldn't just do that for someone if you didnt like them. I mean at least it was like that for Chris. He wouldn't go out of his way for someone he didn't like.

I fixed my little whiteboard chart thingy on my locker that keeps falling off. I got those to keep me organized this year but knowing me the thing would probably be gone next month.

From the corners of my eye I could spot the cheerleaders in bright blue uniform. I get that there was a game this Friday. But why do they have to wear their damn uniforms every single day? Like do they own anything else apart from their ugly blue uniforms.

I took a glance at them and then a glance back. You know the double take you do when you thought you saw something but then when you look back it was actually nothing?

Yeah, that just happened and no,it was not just nothing.

What came before my eyes mortified me. Something or rather someone I did not expect.

Holy.ball. sacks.


Okay,this is just a short chapter.. Just a little filler. Emilia Clarke is Tabitha Dawson,the Main Character. Please give this book a try.

As character wise, by far I try not to make them frustrating or annoying. But if they are then I guess im sorry because I know how aggravating it may be sometimes when the characters are frustrating.

As casting wise, I know some people don't like it when authors put up a cast. But don't let that refrain you from reading because you could and should imagine the characters as however you like.

Other than that, im out!!

- shafee

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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