Chapter 3: A Recovery Meal

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~Adam’s POV~

 “Huh?” Turning around, Adam stopped walking and looked down into a little blonde girl’s porcelain face and met large, curious blue eyes. She couldn’t have been more than seven or eight.

“Umm... are you the singer from Maroon 5?” She looked nervous, as if he might hurt her. A smile formed on Adam’s lips as he squatted to be closer to her height and less intimidating.

“I am. What’s your name?”

“I’m Ashley. I really like your band. Do you think you can sign my CD?” Before he could respond, she was already digging into a small brown cloth bag she carried, all previous caution gone. She pulled out the square case and a sharpie. “Anywhere is fine.”

Taking the CD case, he signed the bottom left corner and was about to hand both objects back to her when a flustered man came running up and yelled, “Ash!” Adam handed the things back to her and stood. The little girl spun around, her eyes wide.

“What? It’s the Maroon 5 singer! I needed his signature.” The man, whom Adam assumed was her father due to similar looks, sighed and looked at Adam, giving him an apologetic look.

“Sorry. I hope she wasn’t bothering you. She is quite a fan of your group. That’s all I hear about.” Adam smiled and chuckled.

“Quite alright, sir. Fans like her are my inspiration for my music, anyway.” He turned his attention back to the girl. “Nice to meet you Ashley. Nice to meet you sir.” She ran towards him and he gave her a hug.

“Nice meeting you! Thank you so much!” She took her father’s hand and skipped across the street, tagging her parent with her. Adam watched them go and sighed happily. He was always extremely happy when he met a dedicated fan, but this one had been so young. He couldn’t believe how young his fanbase went. He made a mental note to tell his buddies about the encounter.

He looked around him, all the lights from the skyscrapers and shops disguising the dark sky hiding behind the buildings. Like the darkness suddenly became noticeable, reality came crashing down on him.

I left him. He must have seen my car wasn’t touched. What if he tries to find me? He wasn’t sure he wanted to be found. The conversation he ran from downright scared him. He didn’t want to think about it, just wanted to pretend that it and the whole situation never existed.

But life wasn’t that fair.

He sensed him long before turning around. It took him a while to muster the courage to move his legs, then his torso, then his head. He felt like he was turning to his fate and every fiber of his being rejected it. Still, he moved.

Blake stood there, leaning against a pole, his arms crossed and no emotion on his face. Adam couldn’t bring himself to meet his gaze, so he settled for his left shoulder. The tension between them crackled, and Adam was surprised the people walking next to them, along the sidewalk, couldn’t feel it.

Adam focused on the contours of Blake’s shoulder and plaid shirt, not daring to move or speak. He was frozen in place, his breathing along with it. He felt like he was a coiled spring ready to snap.

Why me?

~Blake’s POV~

Blake couldn’t help but feel the glimmer of pride that rang through him while watching Adam with the cute little blonde girl, obviously a huge fan. He watched Adam’s face turn to pure joy when the father mentioned his daughter’s fascination with Maroon 5. Blake was happy for his best friend to have such admirers in all age groups and worldwide.

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