When you first meet: Pol

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Y/F/C= your favourite colour
Y/C/H= your colour hair☺️

"Y/N! Get up, you have to go to school!!" Your mum yelled to you, you just groaned and rolled off your bed accidentally, "ouch" you muttered to yourself before getting up and getting ready, you wore black skinny jeans, black vans and a potato fam shirt, your favourite youtubers, Danny and Paul, had merch and as soon as you heard about it you got a tee in your favourite colour, Y/F/C. You loved how cute it was with the potatoes on it, lol. You continued to get ready by doing your makeup, you put black makeup all the time, which sometimes got you comments at school, like being called emo or goth or some shit, but you didn't care cause you loved the look! You also did your hair, you had Y/C/H colour! You just brushed it since you were running out of time to get ready! As soon as you were ready you ran out the door saying a quick bye to your parents, and ran to school. Your first lesson was music, which you didn't mind at all, since you had a love for it. You walked into class and sat with your best friend who had the same class, "hey" she said smiling, "sup" you replied, you two continued talking until class was about to start! You were still facing Y/B/F/N when your teacher started to talk, apparently introducing a few new students, you quickly looked to the front of the class to see what they looked like, your eyes widened and your heartbeat escalated when you saw Danny and Paul! Exclamation point! Your favourite youtubers! At the same school! In the same class! You smiled shyly when you saw that Paul was looking at you, the teacher had seated them on the same table as you! Paul next to you and Danny next to your friend! They walked over to you and your friend and sat down. "Hi, I'm Danny" Danny introduced himself, "and I'm Paul" Paul says after, "Hey, I'm Y/N, this is Y/B/F/N, and I sorta know that you guys are my favourite youtubers!" You blurted out, blushing majorly realising that you'd said it! They laughed and thanked you for watching and supporting them, "no worries at all!" You responded, "so maybe at lunch we could hang out?, since Danny and I are new and all?" Paul asked while slightly blushing, 'FUCK YES WHY WOULD YOU THINK YOU NEED TO ASK ME YOU HOT POTATO', you screamed on the inside, "Um, you don't have to ask me twice to get me to say yes!" You said smiling hugely! Your best friend and Danny were talking the whole time you and Paul were, "cool, and thanks! What would I do without you, aye?" Paul said grinning, you blushed and said "most likely a lot haha" you laughed while Paul did too, "hey, nice shirt btw, huh Danny?" They both looked at your shirt and smirked, "yup" Danny says popping the p. You blush, again! And say thanks while chuckling, throughout class you and Paul were getting to know each other and getting on really well, you had a feeling that this would turn into a really nice friendship, and hopefully one day something more...

THANKS so much for reading hehe this is my second imagine and it sucked!!! Just like me! Lol! Hope you enjoyed it anyway, at least a tiny bit? No? No. Okay anyway yeah haha baiiii!!

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