"Don't go." Callen heard himself say before he could stop it.

Bill smiled, after all these years the man was even more beautiful than the boy had been, and still had that current of insecurity. It was hidden well, but it was still there.

"I am not going anywhere." Bill promised, "It's been a long time boy, let me look at you."

Callen flushed as Bill looked him over. He knew, somewhere deep down inside he knew what Bill had done to him was wrong. If it had been another child he would have said that. But Bill was special, Bill loved him...didn't he?

"You need to come with me." Callen said, trying to make his hand move and pick up his gun. He had never, ever dropped his gun before, what the hell was going on?

"Maybe later," Bill replied with a leer. "Is that how you address me when I am alone in a room with you boy?"

Callen swayed, he wanted to please Bill more than anything, but Sam...Sam was his SEAL...Sam was his lifeline, what he had with Sam was love...this...this with Bill was wrong. It was wrong? It had to be wrong? But why did it feel right?


Bill smiled, it was still there. Callen had been his best. The last one he had had in a long time after that bitch of an ex-wife caught him. But none he'd had since had measured up to the terrified ten year old who was longing to be loved.

"Kneel boy, remind me how much you want me to love you."

Callen dropped, his body instantly reacting and his mind swirling. He started to rise but Bill had picked up Callen's gun and placed it against his head.

"You grew up boy, you think you've learned somethings....but you will always be my boy."

Callen shook his head, tears he couldn't hold falling. He was not Bills boy, he was Sam's Brat...Sam was his SEAL. They had both wanted it, it had not been forcibly taken...like...

"You...you raped me!" Callen actually realized that Bill had forced him and it wasn't, hadn't been his fault.

"You asked me too, it wasn't rape boy, you asked for my love. I gave you what you needed, what you still need." Bill snarled.

Callen shook his head, " No Sir, I don't need you." The unspoken but I need Sam, plea when across his mind.

"No! Not sir. Not here. Here I am your Master. Only here and only with me will you ever say that word. You will never say it outside of this room. You will not leave this room without my permission and you will NOT talk to anyone else without my permission. Do you understand, Boy?" Bill snapped pulling Callen instantly back to his childhood and that room.

Callen was fighting the emotions that were overwhelming him and his body was sweating and shaking from the exherstion of it all.

Callen looked confused, Bills face softened and he bent down to Callen and kissed him gently. "Boy you are mine and this is how you earn my love andGod's love. You follow the rules, you behave and that way we can love you. You want to be loved don't you? He liked the fact that his past was replaying again and Callen seemed to be falling for it.

For a moment he did, till the movement of the floorboards underneath him bounced with Sam's step in the hallway outside the room, and brought him back to the here and now.

Callen brought his head up with a slight smirk, "Not by you. Never by you."

He brought Bill down in a heap as he swept his leg out, knocking the older man to the ground, struggling for the gun. He managed to overpower the older man and held the gun to his head.

"You did things to a child that should never have been done, you...you destroyed me...you..." He shook as he realized he was just as damaged as Bill was, "You made me just like you."

Bill smiled, "It's only a matter of time. one day you'll find someone as beautiful as you were boy. It wasn't my fault, you know that right? You begged me to love you, and I did. No one has ever loved you like it did."

Callen was vaguely aware of Sam shouting his name as he put his finger on the trigger aiming it at Bills head.

"You know any nice young boys yet? Do you friends know, your colleagues, that you are as twisted as I am? Do they know what you are like deep down, do they know how I made you?"

Callen shook his head in denial, "I'm not...not like that."

Bill smiled up at him, "No matter what you are now, you will always be my boy and I made you exactly what you are...you will never be worthy of anyone's love like I love you."

Callen pulled the gun to Bill temple and went to pull the trigger as Sam clicked the door down with a spray of splinters.

"G...Stop!" Sam shouted.

Callen stepped away dropping the gun, "Cuff him Sam." He sighed, this would be his last job for NCIS, he knew that the second Bill opened his mouth he was done for, there was nothing left anymore. At least though the boy was safe and no child would ever get near Bill again.

"Take him away." Callen ordered, in his mind, doing his last act as the team leader.

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