Challenge thing

29 4 5

I got tagged all of a sudden
This is gonna be long

1. Real name: ...Ryoko Aoyama ((not allowed to tell my real name))
2. Nickname: Julie, Ryo
3. Tom or b!tch: Tom
4. Fav. colour: hmm... Maybe blood red, white or yellow
5. Elementary school
Middle School
High school ×
6. Hair color: dark brown
7. Tall or short: tall
8. Sweats or jeans: sweats
9. Phone or camera: phone
10. Health freak: yes and no
11. Orange or Apple: Orange
12. Crush: yes
13. Guy friends or girl friends: girl friends
14. Piercings: nah
15. Pepsi or coke: I drink both
16. Been on a plane: no
17. Been in a relationship: if romantic then no
18. Been in a car accident: no
19. Been in a fist fight: ..kinda..?
20. First piercing: nada
21. Best friend: 1
22. First award: none
23. First crush: eh, none
24. First word: -shrug-
25. Talent: singing, drawing, being awkward,making stuff
26. Last person I talked to: my dad
27. Last person I txted: math performance task group
28. Last person I watched a movie with: myself and a rillakuma doll
29. Last thing I ate: spaghetti
30. Last movie/TV show I watched: forgot, but it was horror
31. Last song I listened to: c'mon by panic!at the disco ft.(I forgot this guy)(?)
32. Last thing I bought: uh, spaghetti
33. Last person I hugged: Alysha
34. Food: takoyaki
35. Drink:water
36. Bottoms: idk what it means
37. Flower: lily
38. Animal: wolf
39. Colour: yellow
40. Movie: the hobbit
41. Subject: English or AHIS
                   (X means yes)
42. Fallen in love somewhat
43. Celebrated Halloween X
44. Had your heart broken
45. Went over the minutes or texts on your phoneX
46. Had someone like youX
47. Hated the way someone changed X
48. Got pg
49. Got an abortion
50. Did something you regret X
51. Broke a promise XXXXXXX
52. Hid a secretX
53. Pretend to be happyXXXX
54. Met someone that changed your life
55. Pretend to be sickXXX
56. Left the country
57. Tried something you usually wouldn't and liked itX
58. Cried over the silliest thingX
59. Ran a mileX
60. Gone to the beach with your bff
61. Got in an argument with ur friendX
62. Disliked someoneXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
63. Idk
64. Eating: no
65. Drinking: no
66. Listening to: myself singing
67. Sitting or laying: laying
68. Plans for today: nothing
69. Waiting for: nothing
70. Want kids: no
71. Want to get married: when the time has come
72. Want to travel: yeah
73. Lips or eyes: eyes
74. Shorter or taller: taller
75. Younger or older: older
76. Romantic or spontaneous: idk
77. Trouble maker or hesitant: idk
78. Hook up or relationship: relationship
79. Looks and personality:personality
80. Lost glasses: a lot
81. Snuck out of the house: no
82. Held a gun or knife in self-defense: soon
83. Killed somebody: maybe
84. Broke somebody's heart: nope
85. Been in love: nah

Soo, no crushes! I'm in an all girls school and I'm not into the male teachers.why? Our classroom is hated by another classroom because our math teacher (guy) always pampers us like, plus points, extended everything, quiz moved after sembreak and they got a crush on him so

CosmicMystery AkshonpaneRansu RoseMGottschalk _NerdCore_ Lawyer_HeavenlyYard

Soo...that's all

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