Chapter 7

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(Emily's P.O.V)
waking up in a happy mood, Is probably the greatest feeling ever!! I finally feel like things are heading in the right direction

I turn around and see that there's no Brad next to me, I was a bit confused why because
1. He was here last night
2. He never wakes up early than me
I hop out of bed and go to the bathroom to do the usual morning routine and head downstairs.

"Good Morning babe!" I hear the British accent from around the corner  "What if that was your mum or dad that was coming down the stairs" I ask walking in, smiling. "Good Morning Handsome, your looking sexy this morning!" He tries mimicking my voice, I giggle and go to over to him "Good Morning"

He gives me a light peck on the lips "I knew it was you walking down the stairs because the parental's have already left for work about half an hour ago" I look at the time and my mouth just makes an 'O' shape, "Well then what's the schedule for today?" I ask walking over to the fridge.

"Well your birthday is in 2 days so we could plan that" he said grabbing to bowls out of the cupboard

Oh god. I completely forgot about my birthday "what's there to plan? I'm only turning 18" I tip the milk into my cereal and sit with him, he looks at me with surprise "you don't want a party?"

"I don't mind but it's nothing special" I say starting to eat he puts his arm over my shoulder "well it's special to me so guess what.... You're having a party baby!" He smiles, messes up my hair "I'm going to have a shower"

I smile and fix my hair, finish my breakfast off and walk to the lounge.

Whoop! Wizards of Waverley Place is on!
I don't know what there wanting to do for my birthday, I don't even know what I want to do. They have all decide on meeting at the shops to get party stuff.

I decided on wearing a purple top with some denim shorts, with my hair just left out and my white converses (picture at the top)

Brad and I hope in the car, Brad puts his glasses on and starts the car and starts driving, he intertwines my fingers with his "so here's today's plan"

"I'm listening" I say as I put my sunglasses on "We're all going to meet near the food court because Tristan wants to get something to eat" I laugh "then Connor, Courtney, you and I are going to start getting stuff for your party while James, Khaila, Tristan and Sophie are going to go get your birthday present because they haven't got you anything yet"

"Oh yay! I finally get to meet Tristan and Connors new girlfriends!! Are they nice?" I turn the music down and look over to him "they are actually! Really nice! I think you girls will like each other straight away! That's why today will be good because you get to meet the girls and everyone will be there"

"Squad goals right there" I laugh at myself and look over at Brad who's laughing and shaking his head at me "what? That was a good one" he just laughs and turns into a parking spot

I hop out and catch up to Brad and hold his hand, we walk in and Brad messages everyone "okay cool there all at the food court, Tristan is already buying food" I laugh "typical" Brad has a little chuckle "let's go"

As we start getting closer to the food court I see the boys and the three girls, one being Kayla. The first girl I see she is wearing a grey top and a black plain shirt with some nice black flats on, she has long hair like mine except her is darker.

The second girls has brown hair with a bit of blonde in it and is wear a black top and some black tights with a denim jacket and some very clean white converses. For some reason I am starting to feel nervous around them, there all really pretty!

(Photos of the girls are up the top)

"Hey guys" Brad yells walking over to them, I put my head down in embarrassment and laugh. They all look over and Khaila comes running over "EMMMM!!" She yells and indulges me in a massive hug which I glad accept, "hey boo" we pull away and I give all the boys hugs and Tristan and Connor introduce me to their new girlfriends

Tristan pulls the girl with the long black hair like me up close "This is my girlfriend Sophie, Sophie this is Emily, Brad's girlfriend" I pull her into a hug "it's nice to meet you!" She smiles "you too, I love your hair" I laugh "thank you!"

Connor does the same to his girlfriend "this is Courtney" I do the same and hug her. We all talk for a little while and Brad starts to get all our attention. "Okay so change of plans, you 4 girlys are going to go and get stuff for the party while us for guys go get presents" I simply just nod, this will be a good way to get to know the girls more.

Sophie walks over to Tristan " please get something nice for her and remember she's a girl! Girls like girly things not a football jersey or stuff like that, okay?" She giggles and kisses Tristan

I walk over to Brad "you going to be okay being with out me for a few hours?" I ask sarcastically

He laughs "missing you already" I giggle and give him a kiss "I'll message you when we're finished, okay?"

I nodded and walk over to the girls "you guys ready?" There were nods and there were yes "okay let's get going then"

We walk into a few shops and get somethings for ourselves then finally decide to get stuff for the party.

"Do you guys even know what we're getting for my party?" I look at the girls.

Courtney laughs "we got specific orders from Brad we just need to get all the stuff so you'll see when we get them"

I giggle, Oh this should be good

So I have decided to come back onto this account and keep this book going!! Hope some of you are still reading it!! ❤️❤️❤️
The photo up the top in order is - Sophie, Courtney, Khaila and Emily

I hope you like this chapter I tried to make it a long one!

Let me know what you guys think of the new girls and what I should do in the new chapter!!

Also send me your favourite outfits that the girls would wear to a party ❤️❤️

Love you all!!

Living next to Brad SimpsonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant