William. Color Green. Part 2.

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Skittles: I dont know. But we should start.

Tony: Im gonna search my fire hoverboard.....

Ariana: I'll get ready to open my wings....

Sarah: Wait what? About what we talking?

Skittles: Sarah, when we found you me and Tony and Ariana flied. Tony has a hoverboard from fire and Ariana has wings. I has wings too CX

Tony: Lucky U.U

Skittles: Tony you said you like your fire hoverboard!

Tony: -pokerface-

Skittles: U.U

Sarah: SO, what i've got?

Skittles: I dont know. Show me your back.

Sarah: No way! Bruh.

Skittles: -facepalm- I have find Ariana's Wings looking at her back.

Sarah: Oh ok....

Skittles: -looks- You can choose now oh my god! You can fast walk and to fly and to make a electric hoverboard!

Sarah: Yay! I choose momentanly the wings.

Skittles: Ok. We should go.


Tony: Ferpi! -gets fire hoverboard- I missed it :D

Ariana: Volta ! -gets wings- Yay! :D

Sarah: Electrik! -gets wings- Woaah....

Skittles: Unihorndia! -gets wings- They're so shiney and colourful :D Lets go!


Tony: Um, Skittles..... Look what a crystal! It looks like my emblem!

Sarah: -looks at it without to can look at another thing- Woah.....

Ariana: Its damn cute!

Skittles: -looks in Spells Book- Its an Oracle Crystal! Oh my god! There writes it can be used to get back the crown of Unihorndia! -gets it- 

Crystal: -dissapears and gets back in Unihorndia Crown-

Skittles: Its... DISSAPEARED! :O

Ariana: .....

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