Shanila Surprise - Part 1

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Skittles: -wakes up- -goes to bathroom- -washes teeth- -looks in mirror- -screams- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Tony: Skittles!
Ariana: Skittles!
Sarah: Skittles!
Ariana: -hugs Skittles- Skittles! Gratz!
Skittles: About what you talking! You did this?!?! IM AMLOST BALD!!!!
Ariana: It is Shanila!
Skittles: What the hell is Shanila?!?!
Ariana: Is the Magic growing!
Skittles: Yes but my hair?!?!
Ariana: It will grow, on next step of Shanila! Then, it will grow more shiney! Now you should stay home, now your powers are slow!
Skittles: How im going to next step of Shanila?
Ariana: You should wait.
Skittles: U.U

In Unihorndia Palace........

Greymor: Nooo! -hits angry the wall- Nooooooo!!! -hits angry the wall-
Mephisto: What happened, your maleficient ?
Praxina: Yes! What happened , your dark evil?
Greymor: Skittles is in Shanila!
Praxina: He really dont needs to be more powerful !
Greymor: Exactly! Dont let his hair to grow back!!!

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