Skittles gets a doggie : Part 1

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Skittles: I feel so lonely.... ill get a doggie!
I dressed up with Android Cap, Zechic torso with fake bowtie pink, Zombie Legs and Moo Slippers. (i forgot shoes cx)
Skittles: Hi, can i get a doggie?
Seller: Sure you can choose one from we collection of doggies!
I walked with seller to collection of dogs.
Seller: You can choose from most beautiful dogs! You can choose a husky, a boxer, a mop dog, a poodle, or most ugly dog, one purple with hair green. This dog isnt so special.
Skittles: Then ill choose the dog purple with green hair! It seems special to me...
Seller: Ok, it costs 50$.
Skittles: There. *gives 50$*
Seller. Thank you for visiting! How should you'll name your dog?
Skittles: Ill name it... Spike.
Seller: Ok, we will give him special icon in maximum a week. Come back later!
Skittles: Ok. Bye! *gets Spike*
Seller: Bye! Thanks for visiting!

I comed home with my new doggie, Spike.
Skittles: Aww Spike, your adorable! :3
Spike: Thanks! Oops, i said something? Uh, i mean, woof woof!
Skittles: You talked! I knew your special! :3
Spike: ...

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