2. Bourbon Street

Start from the beginning

"I just met you and you're asking me to sleep at your place. Not creepy at all..." Amber trails off.

"Elijah Mikaelson, how's that to get to know me. And the man who shoved you just a minute ago was my brother Niklaus. Our sister, Rebekah lives with us along with Hayley and her daughter Hope which is Niklaus's child but that's a whole other story," Amber stares at Elijah in shock as what he just told her.

"You're a Mikaelson," Amber whispers looking at the original vampire in front of her.

"Who are you?" Elijah asks.

"Amber Rose," Elijah knew who she was immediately.

Everyone knew the Rose family was the most powerful bloodline; even the original vampires.

"You are a very powerful witch, what brings you here to town? Are you looking for another witch?"

"Yes I am actually, her name is Davina Claire," Amber says.

Elijah's eyes widen as he knows exactly who she's talking about, "How about you come to my home for a little bit and we'll discuss why you're actually here."

Amber nods and Elijah takes her suitcase before heading down the street to his massive mansion. It wasn't as big as Amber's but it was huge.

"Your room will be upstairs, take a left and it'll be the third door on the right. Meet me downstairs in 20 minutes because I'm just letting you in my home to be nice; for now."

Amber nods and takes her bags upstairs and goes into the room. There's doors opening up to a balcony, which probably looks over the streets as she can still hear the music. The bed is places in the center with plush pillows and sheets and the door to the bathroom is to the right. Amber puts her belongings in drawers and essentials in the bathroom.

Seeing she had 10 minutes left, Amber decided to walk around the complex a little bit. Then the witch heard crying, probably coming from a baby. Amber walked into the room and into a nursery where a baby was crying; she thinks it was Hope as Elijah mentioned her earlier.

"Hi," Amber whispered at the baby who stopped crying and stared at her. "My name is Amber. You must be Hope."

The little Mikaelson baby stared at Amber like a new toy. She smiled and held her arms out; wanting Amber to hold her. So she did, she wrapped her arms around Hope and picked her up.

"You are so adorable!" Amber smiled laughing at how happy the baby was.

"Who the hell are you?" A voice said from behind her.

Amber turned around to see a brunette girl running towards her.

"Um I-I'm Amber. I heard crying and I saw Hope so I thought I would help," She was a little intimated by the girl but she knew she could take her on with the immense amount of powers she has.

Hayley yanked her baby daughter out of Amber's hands and into hers, "Touch my baby one more-"

"Ladies please," Elijah says coming into the room. "Hayley this is Amber Rose, I found her on the streets looking very distressed so I brought her in. Although I don't trust her yet I am willing to let her open up and see if she can stay or not."

"I don't think Klaus wants anyone else staying here," Hayley says.

"Well I guess he won't have a say in this since he his nowhere to be found tonight. Amber come down with me, we'll discuss there."

Amber follows Elijah downstairs with Hayley following them to see who this Amber girl really is.

"Okay I am giving you 3 minutes to claim why you are here and your time starts now."

"The coven I am in is horrible; you have no rights and everyone uses dark magic, especially my family. Long ago a witch put a curse on my family, it's when a Rose family member turns 22 they perform a ritual and go over to the dark side. The only way to get out of it is to kill the one you truly love but of course no one is going to do that. I am 21 and my time is coming up. I'm the youngest child and all my family uses dark magic. My mother and father treat my like trash and my sisters don't care about me. My brother, Will, just turned last year and he does still care for me, it won't last long though. I myself can feel the darkness creeping up towards me. I'm scared as hell and I don't want to do it, there's no way out. My father read my journal today and it saw how much I hated this family so he sent me here for two reason. One, so he wouldn't have to see me and two, to find Davina Claire. He said she'd help me or something but I'm pretty sure her coven doesn't do any of the crap mine does so she won't know what I'm talking about. So I came here and Elijah found me. Any questions?"

Elijah and Hayley looked at Amber and nothing sounded like a lie, they started to feel bad for this girl.

Elijah is the first to speak, "How many more days do you have left?"

"105," Amber answered.

"Can't you just run away from your coven?" Hayley asks.

"Don't you think I would've done that already? My father will use a locator spell and bring me to him. It's scary to think about it so I have to obey him."

"Well I think I've heard enough. Amber you are more than welcome to stay here, you will
meet with Davina tomorrow. Goodnight," Elijah heads upstairs and so does Hayley.

"And who the bloody hell are you?" A familiar voice asks.

She turns around to see the same curly blonde man she bumped into earlier.

"Amber Rose. You must be Klaus Mikaelson."

"Indeed love, now what are you doing here and answer me before I rip your throat out," Klaus threatens inching near Amber.

"Niklaus she is a friend of ours. Any harm that goes to her I will deal with you," Elijah says from the balcony.

"Oh don't worry Elijah I'm just welcoming her here. She is one of the most powerful bloodlines of all witches. Make yourself at home...Amber," Klaus smirks and heads into a separate room.


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