Chapter 14

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She calmly walked through the broken glass and over to the Dragon who had blood running down the back of his white t-shirt.
"You wanna say that again, didn't hear you the first time." She said cheekily and cracked her neck. He coughed and spit out a little lick of blood and looked at her, his eyes shining a brilliant green.
"You left-" she let out a small little trill of a sound as she picked herself up and kicked him in the side of his face, to land in a small crouch. He growled and looked at her, a long gash marring the left side of his face. He seemed to chant something under his breath and suddenly flames erupted around his body. She formed an 'x' with her arms and prayed that it would somehow protect her, which it did, and peeked through her eyes when it was over. A giant snarly, scaly beast stood in front of her, its green eyes burning into her brain, making sure she would never forget. But she wasn't afraid, oh no, she was enthralled. This was a new challenge, a challenge she planned on taking.

The dragon looked down at her with red hair partially blocking his large green irises, a cocky smirk revealing one of his several shiny teeth. She could smell the fear rolling off of everybody else, but she wasn't afraid. She was giddy, she'd never actually dealt with a dragon. Her father had taught her how to take one down easily, had taught her the soft spots, the easy take down places, the weaknesses. She wasn't afraid, but he didn't know that. He leaned down, his giant neck bending over, until he was in her face, his hot breath blowing away the tail of her ponytail.
"You left tr-" with a small little laugh she put all her power in her right leg and kicked him just under the jugular, right where his neck started, with all her might and smiled when he fell to the earth whining and whimpering, holding his aching neck with one of his massive claws.
"I tried to help you. I tried to tell you to just let me train on my own, but you didn't want to listen." She sighed as she walked further down the length of his body. She felt the delighted pride flowing from Drew and was glad she could give him the feeling. She stopped at his mid belly, where a small circle of pink was and put all of her strength into her fist. Raising her arm back she punched the small pink circle, enjoying it when his body slid across the earth and he howled in pain. She sighed happily and practically skipped to the end of the paralyzed dragon. She walked to the end of him, toward the tip of his tail, and felt along the scales finding the soft spot. Once she found it, a little spurt of fur between scales she let her claws come down and she cut him, liking how he whimpered in pain. He could do nothing about it though, because she'd paralyzed him with that punch to the stomach. She turned and looked back to the two packs and the visitors who looked at her with fear. She understood it, she'd just taken down a three ton dragon without shifting.
"That is how you take down a dragon, which you would've learned tomorrow but I guess we saved that. Today you were supposed to learn power, because you need power to take down one of those things. But some people are just twats who like to interfere in things that they had no right in interfering in. this is my job, twats, I train on my own time and by the time next week is over the whole pack will be able to defeat everything we're facing. Stay out of my training or I will cut your dicks off while you sleep and put them into your breakfast. Understood?" She heard Jeb and Drew gulp, that was all she needed. She walked back into the house but stopped in front of the awed visitors.
"Be amazing people and teach them the spots, they'll need it for tomorrows lesson." Was all she said and went into the house.

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