Chapter 2

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Samantha stayed at her hip as she helped make tuna sandwiches. Sammy was having a hard time making friends, none of the other kids could understand her situation. Sammy's mom and dad abandoned her at a carnival because she was a werewolf. She wasn't born one, but made one. Only one person could make you a werewolf, your mate. She said her foster brother did it, Jake Harris, the ones the elders were looking for. They knew that Jake didn't have to change Sammy, they could've led a perfectly normal relationship as they grew. Molly's mother was proof of that, she was a human when she was impregnated with Molly and her pregnancy went fine.
"Tuna really smells." Sammy said, pinching her nose.
"Not as much as you do." Mark mumbled as he passed by and she stuck her foot out, indiscreetly, making mark trip.
"Oopsie. Mark you really have to watch we're you're going. You might really hurt yourself one day." Sammy said, sounding every bit contrite. She smiled, and Mark smiled too, as she helped him up.
"Whatever brat, just watch your back." He said, still grinning, as he ruffled her little blond head making her pout.
"I can't it's behind me." She retorted as he walked away then turned to look back at Sarah. Her cute little face was pink and pretty, which she tried to hide from Sarah who merely looked away and finished up the sandwiches.
"Wanna help bring this to the table?" She asked and Sammy nodded, grateful for the distraction. The other kids settled down once the sandwiches were in front of them which made Penny relax. Penny was a nice Luna. She had long black hair that reached the middle of her back and a small petite frame that made her look innocent. All though she was nothing but, some nights Sarah would awaken to the sound of her and Jeb making love and, although you wouldn't believe it, Penny was a screamer. She'd scream things at the top her lungs, explicit thins that would make Carol blush. Carol was the dirtiest person she knew! Penny sighed and walked to Sarah, a gigantic smile on her face.
"Thanks, I would've never gotten through that alone." Her childlike voice said, Sarah smiled at her and nodded once.
"No problem Luna, you need help with anything, I'm there." She said with a little head dip that Penny giggled at.
"Sarah, come get this child from hell!!!" Carol screeched and Sarah stiffened. Carol and Rosa always seemed to be at it, even though Rosa was a baby and couldn't really do anything to make Carol angry. Carol said, in front of everyone, that "they eyes say it all, and that one has untrustworthy eyes, like she would stab you in the back then ask to be your friend later," crazy, yes. But when you think about it, Carol wasn't called Carrie for nothing.
"I have to go assist my pack member, excuse me Luna." She said then bolted up the stairs and into the nursery. Luna stood there, her hand on her hips and the scariest scowl she'd ever seen on a baby. On any person actually.
"What the heck happened?" Sarah asked rushing to pick the baby up, but she merely side stepped Sarahs hands. She walked. Only to get away from you.

"Luna, I need you to calm down honey, think you can do that for me? Can you act like a normal baby for once?" Sarah asked kindly, trying not to seem too bitchy.
"You're being too kind. She hates that, that's why she doesn't like you as much as me. Even though she's being a complete bitch now!" Carol explained, sidling up next to her and sneering at Luna.
"What'd she do this time?" Sarah asked, ignoring the jab on her personality. She was just a nice person! She couldn't fix that!!
"This heifer, right here, decided it would be a great time to spit up on me. On my brand new top no less!!" Carol yelled and Luna made a happy baby noise.
"If you weren't a baby, I'd punch you in your face." Carol growled and stormed out.
"Sheesh, she's such a drama queen." Sarah muttered and, for the first time since her birth, she smiled at her.
"Wow, that's a nice smile. You should do it more often. Takes the mean bitch look out of your eyes." Luna laughed and flailed her little arms around. Baby language for 'pick me up please'. She smiled and picked her up. She'd always wanted to be a mother, just to show her mother a how a real one was supposed to be. She'd been disappointed at first when Luna didn't like her. She screamed her head off as soon as she was placed in Sarah's arms. But now she knew the child was growing soft and soon, not any time in the immediate future though, she would have to give in and love her. Molly decided to come in at the time and smile at the sight. She knew Sarah felt unloved by Luna, but she'd told her, time and time again, to just give Luna some time and space. When she was ready she'd warm up to her. Hopefully.
"If it isn't my two favorite girls in the whole wide world. How's my little Looney doing?" She crooned to the small child, coming over and pinching her little baby cheeks. Luna laughed at her little nick name and spread her arms out to her mother. Of course she didn't want to be with me, Sarah thought sadly, hunching her shoulders slightly. Molly looked good after only 3 months after having the baby, especially for a werewolf. Her tan stomach was showing thanks to her black and grey striped crop top, and her short and shapely legs were well adorned by black skinny jeans. It seemed like she didn't like wearing shoe anymore, she never wore any, even if they went out.

"Thomas let you out the room like that?" Sarah asked, highly disbelieving that. Molly smiled a little and kissed her daughter's head as she walked out the green nursery.
"What he doesn't know won't kill him." She said with a small wink before disappearing with the child.
"It will when he sees you in it!!" She yelled after that, only to be greeted by a small laugh. Why can't I look like her, she though to herself. Yeah she had red hair, which was exotic, but that was pretty much were her prettiness ended. She had a large amount of freckles smattering her nose and cheeks, she had a small nose, which she detested, and small lips. She often got made fun of for being too small when she was in middle school. Everything on her was miniature, until she hit puberty. When that happened she stopped wearing her training bras and switched to full on double c's, her short legs grew into long ones that seemed to travel on forever and ever, her hair grew longer and shinier and her appeal seemed all the more... extra. Which she didn't mind at all. She get extra attention from her peers of both sexes and things seemed to go better for her. She fixed up Luna's nursery room and made her way into the back yard as kids ran past her. The pack was enjoying the last few days of good weather, the reporter said starting next week a cold front would be coming in, as a family. The kids laughed and played with each other, the adults mingled, the elders relaxed. All was well in their small little world and they could hope for absolutely nothing better. Sarah made her way over to the children and sat down next to their general play area, she laved in their laughter and delighted to hear their excited little hearts beat. She felt someone's presence next to her and looked to see it was Jared.

"You spend a lot of time with kids." He says, there's nothing in his tone that underlies that there might be a trick here so Sarah relaxes.
"I want some of my own one day. When that day happens I want to be as ready as I can. I think of this as.... Training." Just like old times, she thought to herself with a small smile.
"You want 'some' not 'one'?" He asked, disbelief tainting his voice.
"Yes, is there a problem with that?" She asked, feeling a little edgy at his surprise.
"It's just that... usually it's the male in a relationship that wants the abundance of children. It's odd to hear a woman say that." He said sitting back on the palms off his hands. She frowned and shrugged. One of the girls fell and immediately Sarah let into action, sprinting over to he rand pulling out a Band-Aid from her back pocket, she always carried them around just in case. She sat the little girl on her lap and put a lock of hair behind her air. She put the Band-Aid on and gave it a small tap.
"There you go sweetie, take it easy Ok?" Sarah told her and she nodded happily then ran off. She stood and went back to her spot next to Jared.
"That's was quick, quicker than any wolf I've ever seen." He said astonished and her wolf huffed as she rolled her eyes.
"It's because of my size, if you haven't noticed I'm smaller than other wolves in my wolf form, and human form, it helps me remain quick and agile." That was really the only thing that she liked about being short, it gave her more stealth.
"I don't think you're that short." He grumbled and Sarah smiled, that was the first actually nice thing he'd ever said to her.
"Thanks, I really appreciate that." She said and smiled softly at him before turning her gaze to the sunset.

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