Chapter Nine If You Ever Come Back - Jackson/Amber POV

Start from the beginning

I always thought I'd be back some day.

But it's not to be

Gotta set you free.

Move on, don't look back

Let your heart love again

Cos this is not the end

I know it's hard, I know it's sad

But you have to Move on, Move on.

When you said goodbye

It took all my strength not to stay behind

When I walked away

All I wanted was to never leave again

But it wasn't to be

Gotta set you free

Move on, don't look back

Let your heart love again

Cos this is not the end

I know it's hard, I know it's sad

But you have to Move on, Move on.

I placed the pen down and wiped away the tears I hadn't realized I was crying. I needed to know she was okay. But maybe my luck didn't extend to that. It had been a week and I was still here. No one knew where I was or even if I was still alive. Eventually, logic would have them give up.

Considering it had only been a week I was surprisingly okay with the idea, I guess my initial adrenalin rush had worn off and reality had sunk in.

Being found on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean was the aquatic epitome of the age old needle in a haystack cliché. It was going to take money, smarts and a whole lot of luck to find me here. I couldn't waste my time being woeful and angry, and falling apart over something I had no control of wouldn't fix anything either.

My love for Amber knew nothing of distance or time. It surpassed those things, and just knowing that no matter where she was I loved her was going to get me through this. It had to.


"My professor sent more work home" Daniel smiled dropping a thick folder on to the breakfast bar.

"Mine keeps sending Greg over with notes from dance." I smiled picking up a glass of water from the bench. "Everyone is being so thoughtful."

Daniel scowled after I said Greg's name. He didn't like the guy, which was strange considering the two had barely spoken more than two words in the last week and a bit. Greg had been an amazing comfort, he understood my need to dance which was helped, especially as time went on. It had been just over two weeks and each day that passed was harder than the last.

"What is your problem with Greg?"

"He's taking advantage of the situation." He mumbled. "He's moving in on my cousin's girl."

I frowned and placed my glass down. "Do you think I'm just some kind of damsel in distress that needs to be saved?"

"No, but you don't see it the way I do."

"Because there is nothing to see Dan. I love Jackson, even if you were right nothing will change that."

Daniel nodded and walked into the kitchen. "Okay, point made. I'll be nicer."

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