I see him nod from the corner of my eyes. I wish that he would hold me or apologize, but I immediately shrugged them away. I knew better than to hope he would love me back or treat me right. I saw him move in the corner of my eyes and he eventually rose from his seat.

“The doctor says you can leave tomorrow morning.’’ I heard him say before he exited the room. I heard the door slam shut, signaling that he was out of the room. I rolled over to the side of the bed and pulled the blanket towards me as I silently cried. Of course that’s all he will do. What will I expect? Did I expect he will ever apologize? He didn’t even ask me why I did it to myself or how long I’ve been doing it. He wouldn’t even apologize or cry for me if I died.

I sobbed and sobbed the whole night as I watched the blue sky slowly turned to black and the stars came out. I fell asleep, tears still in my eyes.


The drive back to the flat that I hate the most was short and it was silent. I know silence kills, but this is much better than Harry shouting curses and insults at me. He kept his attention on the road while I looked out of the window; enjoying the view of the houses we passed by. I heard the engine being turned off and I know that it was time to get out. I clicked the locked of the door, preparing to go out when Harry stopped me by lightly holding my arms. Wow, this is actually new.

“Wait.’’ He said in a soft tone as he got out of the car. I saw him walk past the front and opened the car door for me. He didn’t take my hands, but at least he did something new.

“Thanks.’’ I mumbled as I got down. I got another simple nod from him as he slammed the door shut. I remembered the today we first met, when he was far from the guy standing in front of me now.


I ran down the street as I escaped our home after my father stabbed me on the shoulder lightly. It wasn’t deep but it was bleeding heavily. He scared me and I had enough. Usually, he would hurt me with his bare hands, but now he used a knife. It was too much. I decided to leave him, not caring if I have anything with me or where I will live after. Tears fall endlessly from my eyes as I let my emotions out, hoping it will make me feel a bit better.

My vision was blurry, so I accidentally bumped into someone. I looked up, my brown eyes gazing into a pair of gorgeous emerald eyes sparkling in the street lights. He was taller than me, and his dark brown curly hair was messed by the wind, but he looked breathtaking.

“Miss, are you alright?’’ His deep voice gave me goose bumps, but I was too mesmerized to do anything. He was like an angel in dark nights like this. His light gave me guidance along my way. His emerald orbs left mine and travelled to my bleeding right shoulder. “It’s bleeding! What happened?’’

The worry and concern on his face made me show my wound to him. He scanned it with that beautiful eyes of his, making me feel conscious about myself. “It’s bleeding really badly. Let me take you to a hospital.’’

I shook my head as I pulled my shoulder away from him. “No, I’m fine.’’

He looked straight into my eyes again, making me go weak on the knees. Butterflies erupted on my stomach for reasons I myself can’t even explain. “I insist. By the way, I’m Harry.’’

I nod came from me as I surrendered to him. He seems like someone I can trust. “I’m Allison.’’

He took my small hands in his large ones as we walked to his car. “Mind telling me what happened on our way to the hospital?’’

A smile crept its way to my dry, cracked lips. “Yeah, I'll tell you.’’

That night, I told him everything. That’s the first time in my life I met someone that's worried for me. Little by little, I gave my trust to him. And one day he offered me to live with him in the flat he bought in London. I accepted his offer. Little did I know that I made one of the biggest mistakes in my life.

*End of Flashback*

“Allison?’’ Harry’s voice snapped me out of my trance. He held the door open for me, and I cautiously went inside. The flat was impossibly clean, and the broken pieces of glass where nowhere to be found. I feel a little bit happy, a portion of my heart being free from burden. I heard the front door slam shut behind me. Harry’s footsteps came near me and stopped.

“I prepared lunch. It’s in the fridge.’’ He informed me and I lightly nodded my head. He started to climb the stairs but stopped dead in his tracks, facing me one more time. “And by the way, Allison, the coffee shop downtown is hiring a new cashier. Do you want that job?’’

My eyes widened a bit at that question. I never expected it at all. He was seriously asking me to apply to a job? Wow, Harry, wow. You are making an improvement. Maybe trying to kill myself has its perks. I should do it more often. “Of course, I’d love that. But I don’t have the necessary files. I left it in my old house back in Holmes Chapel.’’

A deep chuckle escaped his lips, making me look up at him in confusion at why he was chuckling. His chuckle made my heart float, knowing that it was real rather than his scary chuckles he made before.  “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure I get the job for you.’’ He muttered before jogging up the stairs and disappearing into his room.

I stood there dumbfounded, unable to process what had just happened? First of all, he asked me how I feel. Then, he opened the car door for me and cleaned the whole flat. Last but not the least, he made me lunch and asked me if I want a job. Should I be happy? Should I rejoice? I keep my thoughts to myself and smiled. Maybe, just maybe, the old Harry is coming back to me.

What I didn’t expect was the next events coming will truly change my mind…………….


Did you all like that? Harry's being kinda nice to Allison!

I just wanted to thank you guys for reading this story! Thank you, thank you, thank you! pls. keep on voting and commenting! Love y'all!

The next chapter wil truly be intense so don't miss it! P.S. read my other books. That would be so much to me!

Can we try 50 votes for the next? Best comment gets the dedication! That's all! Mwah!

'Love Bela :)

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