Getting in Side

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When I woke up I found that I had restraints on me and I couldn't move I tried but a guard came and he looked at me like he was about to wet his pants.

That and my head hurt so bad the only time it hurt like this was almost 10 years ago. Back to the guard I gave him a wicked grin and he passed out. Now was my moment I tried to slip my hands out of the restraints, but at the moment Madame Fluff came in with a doctor who looked at me like the guard did.

Then they both looked at the guard, then at me, back to the guard, then to me. I looked at them and shrugged, I think they need a new doctor. " My darling girl," Madame said, " You have proved yourself and moved up even higher." I laughed psychotically and spit at her face.

Only to have the doctor run out of the room. " I am not your darling girl, I'm not even your daughter." I said. " I know that it's a pity you got that scar on your face, you know I could make it disappear." Madame said. " Ha, I don't even want it gone all of my scars that I got before here, while I'm here, and when I'm gone."

With that a different doctor walked in, and then it was lights out. I had the feeling that I was floating, that and I heard a beeping sound, and talking I don't even know what happened. When I woke up I didn't feel any different and I wasn't restrained, also there was a stack of clothes on the end of my bed. I got up and changed and went to see if Madame was in her office.

She was I could hear her yelling on the other side of the door. "You imbecile you didn't put a chip or tracker in her!" I shuttered the only thing I wanted to do is get out of here and it was going to be tonight. So I did what Madame told me to do I trained and then hit the showers.

When I got out and dressed I froze in front of a mirror, I was mesmerized by the young woman in the mirror: loose curly hair to the middle of my back, that was either a platinum blonde or brown depending on the light. Eyes a stormy blue or a pricing emerald a beauty mark on my right cheekbone and a short scar on the left also one on my chin, her face was fair, but you could tell that there was a storm brewing and about to break loose and unleash all fury.

I got my things together luckily I could hide them in my clothes. That's when my roommate came back. " Hey, Russia how's it going?" Angie said, she is so nice I will try to get her home safely. " Good, I just wish I could go home." I told her while folding my clothes.

Angie and I both went to dinner, I walked in the hall everyone stared at us, but mostly me, then I noticed Kira wasn't there I thought and on the inside was going "yes she isn't here, ha" but on the outside noticed they stopped looking at me and continued walking.

So I went with Angie we got food and sat down together we ate and talked by our own language that we created called okili. "So are you sure you want to do this" Angie said to me. "I am bloody sure I want to. "I replied. That's when the doors flew open and the last person I wanted to see walked in, Kira. Why does she taunt me, why I will never know?

"Miss me?" she said. Angie and I just kept talking about a really good book and it was good. "Hello why do you keep talking to her, Angie you know what she did to me?" Kira said sounding a little aggravated now. "Well she is my roommate and friend I understand why she did what she did, on the other hand I don't understand you and why you keep trying to..."Angie said before I interrupted her. "You keep trying to split us up you think you can win everyone over with what your beauty that's not working, charm ha that's a fat chance, I have had trusts and friendships those have been broken or ended on a sour note, let me tell you this you'll try and try but never get between us." I responded and damn that felt good.

Kira just stood there shocked like I just smacked her in the face and everyone just looked at me. I didn't care I sat back down and continued eating as did everyone else, and Kira left.

" I thought you were going to attack her again." Angie said. "Well I thought I was, but I surprised myself." I said. It was true I did surprise myself on that note; the rest of dinner was eaten in complete silence.

Then Angie and I went back to our room, Madame Fluff needed to see Angie. I couldn't sleep instead I was rubbing my locket between my fingers when I felt something on the back that I didn't feel before it was a small, button. I pressed it and was projected was an image of the man and woman Oliver and Laurel holding a baby, and I'm guessing that baby is me.

I hear movement outside in the hall and immediately remove my thumb. Angie walks in with a black eye also a few bruises on her arms. "Do I even need to ask why and what happened?" I said not looking up at her.

We've came to the conclusion long ago that if we ever come in with a black eye other buses or cuts that we know why. It's our training; Madame pushes us really hard to only have us push back harder. I continue folding my clothes and putting them in my drawers. We both turn in for the night.

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